Tag: Placements

A Simplified Meta Ads Strategy for Optimal Results

It’s a common problem. Meta advertisers, in search of the perfect combination of advertising strategies, overcomplicate things and make it worse. Several factors contribute to this problem. First, we assume that “complicated” means “better” and “sophisticated.” How could an Advantage+ Shopping Campaign with no targeting inputs and one ad set perform better than my execution [...]read moreA Simplified Meta Ads Strategy for Optimal Results

When Should You Edit Placements?

Advantage+ PlacementsFormerly known as Automatic Placements. When you utilize Advantage+ Placements, Meta will automatically optimize which placements are used and when to get you the most results for your budget. More is on by default, which makes all placements available. The algorithm will make adjustments to placementA placement is a location where your ad is [...]read moreWhen Should You Edit Placements?

Engaged-View Placements Clarified – Jon Loomer Digital

Here’s an update on Engaged-View attribution… Back in June of last year, Meta first announced Engaged-View Attribution. It counts a conversion when someone views your video for at least 10 seconds (or 97% if the video is shorter) and converts without clicking within one day. At the time, Meta said that it only applied to [...]read moreEngaged-View Placements Clarified – Jon Loomer Digital

Common Advertising Mistakes Related to Placement Selection

Some advertising mistakes are made due to inaction. Others are made as a result of overthinking and unnecessary tinkering. Both apply to mistakes related to placementA placement is a location where your ad is shown. Examples include Facebook’s mobile Feed, Messenger, Instagram feed, Audience Network, right-hand column, and more. More selection. Today’s post continues a [...]read moreCommon Advertising Mistakes Related to Placement Selection