Tag: Performance Goal

A Simplified Meta Ads Strategy for Optimal Results

It’s a common problem. Meta advertisers, in search of the perfect combination of advertising strategies, overcomplicate things and make it worse. Several factors contribute to this problem. First, we assume that “complicated” means “better” and “sophisticated.” How could an Advantage+ Shopping Campaign with no targeting inputs and one ad set perform better than my execution [...]read moreA Simplified Meta Ads Strategy for Optimal Results

How Meta Could Improve Campaign Construction Flow

Today’s post is a bit on the experimental and hypothetical side. But it’s inspired by a very real problem that I see Meta advertisers make that can be fixed with a restructuring of the current campaign construction flow. Redesigning the campaign flow is nothing new for Meta. It happens every few years, and it’s necessary. [...]read moreHow Meta Could Improve Campaign Construction Flow

8 Reasons Your Ads Aren’t Converting

If you’re a Meta advertiser, you’ve experienced this. You face the task of running ads that will drive more purchases or sign-ups, but they are utterly failing. Your ads aren’t converting at all, or the number of conversionsA conversion is counted whenever a website visitor performs an action that fires a standard event, custom event, [...]read more8 Reasons Your Ads Aren’t Converting

6 Ways to Fix Low-Quality Advertising Results

One of the most common complaints among Meta advertisers is regarding low-quality results. They get results that appear good on the surface. Scratch a bit, and they realize that they’re getting very little for their money. This is most often found with leads or top-of-the-funnel actions (link clicksThe link click metric measures all clicks on [...]read more6 Ways to Fix Low-Quality Advertising Results

21 Performance Goals: A Guide to Meta Ads Optimization for Delivery

I contend that the most underrated action you take when creating a Meta ads campaign is selecting your performance goal. Too many advertisers take it for granted or simply don’t realize the impact it has on ad delivery. In this day of audience expansion and broad targeting, the performance goal is more important than ever [...]read more21 Performance Goals: A Guide to Meta Ads Optimization for Delivery