Tag: Converting

A Proven Framework for Converting Strangers Into Customers


One of my favorite Super Bowl commercials is 2020’s Boston-set “smaht pahk” ad, which heralded Hyundai’s self-parking feature.
A woman looks at her phone, and a hand reaches out of a laptop for a handshake.


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Digitalizing A Course: Converting A Nontechnical Course

Digitalizing A Course Made Easy For many of the smaller training providers, getting started with online delivery appears to be an essential yet a very difficult transformation to undertake. It is becoming clear that growth and development of training organizations without offering online access as at least one of the study options is likely to [...]read moreDigitalizing A Course: Converting A Nontechnical Course

8 Reasons Your Ads Aren’t Converting

If you’re a Meta advertiser, you’ve experienced this. You face the task of running ads that will drive more purchases or sign-ups, but they are utterly failing. Your ads aren’t converting at all, or the number of conversionsA conversion is counted whenever a website visitor performs an action that fires a standard event, custom event, [...]read more8 Reasons Your Ads Aren’t Converting