
Our vegan business class experience with Etihad Airways

As we read more and more press releases about how airlines are offering exciting and nutritious vegan meals in their premium cabins, you would presume that now is the right time to turn left on boarding as a vegan. Well, we have decided to document our experiences on a series of flights in the premium cabins with a selection of airlines. Below you will find our honest review from a series of recent business class flights with Etihad Airways including what they got right, and where there was room for improvement with our *VGML meals.

*VGML is the universal airline special meal code for a vegan meal, and should therefore be free of all animal derived ingredients.

Singapore to Abu Dhabi in Business Class

On our first flight from Singapore to Abu Dhabi, we were served a salad comprising sweet potato, chick peas, roast potato, tomato and mixed leaves as a starter. There was no dressing for the salad meaning it was dry and lacking in flavour. This came with a small fruit salad and bread with no butter alternative which was a moot point as the bread was cold, hard, and simply inedible. Upon request, the flight service manager kindly offered an alternative salad from the main menu with sweet potato, beetroot, walnut and mixed leaves. This salad came with mini pitta breads and a lemon vinaigrette and was far superior than the VGML option that was loaded for us.

The main course was a vegetable based dish topped with nuts, perhaps dukkah? None of the cabin crew knew exactly what the dish was, which is often the case with special meals, with no name and no description available it’s often left to guess work. It was pretty flavourful with eggplant, cauliflower, carrots, asparagus and cherry tomatoes, but really needed rice, quinoa or another grain in our opinion. For dessert, well, there wasn’t a dessert so we were offered fruit. Why offer a vegan option but then don’t include a dessert? Other passengers had a choice of desserts, and also a selection of mini Haagen Dazs ice cream pots to select from during the flight. For us, none of the dishes or snacks that were available throughout the flight were suitable for vegans.

Etihad Business Lounge at Zayed International Airport, Abu Dhabi

It was a struggle but we got there in the end with help from the lounge manager. Despite an excellent array of food in the stunning new lounge all with very clear labelling, there was nothing hot that was labelled vegan. Plenty of salads, grains, hummus and dips, but we really fancied a hot meal. After being offered pumpkin soup which contained dairy, we located the lounge manager and asked her for help. She spoke to the chef and it wasn’t long before we were enjoying a trio of curries served with rice. All tasted very good and it was exactly what we wanted, but why not have one or two of these curries available on the buffet? There were also bags of potato chips, packets of nuts and date bars available which were all labelled vegan, the date bars were delicious so we took a couple for our next flight.

Abu Dhabi to London Heathrow in Business Class

Due to the timings, we slept through the whole of our flight from Abu Dhabi to London, but were woken up for breakfast upon request. We were served a mixed bean and avocado wrap, with tomato salsa and rocket. Fresh orange juice, peppermint tea, fruit and a warm bread roll with vegan butter were also part of our breakfast. We were very happy that on this leg we had an alternative spread for our bread, and overall our breakfast was satisfactory, but not great.

Everything you need to plan your trip in 2024

Etihad Business Lounge at Heathrow Airport, London

The Etihad Business Lounge at Heathrow Airport was the highlight of our vegan travel experience on this recent trip. Oat milk lattes, freshly squeezed orange juice, coconut milk chia puddings with mixed berries, and a ‘full English’ breakfast complete with vegan sausages and toast with vegan butter. There were salads, hummus, stuffed vine leaves and foul medames too for anyone who fancied a Middle Eastern inspired breakfast. The excellent labelling and varied options made this the perfect plant based breakfast. Very impressive.

London Heathrow to Abu Dhabi in Business Class

So close yet so far would be the best way to describe the vegan meal served on our London Heathrow to Abu Dhabi flight. Lunch started with a nutritious lentil and roasted vegetable salad, another side salad with balsamic dressing and a bread roll with vegan butter. Next up was one of the tastiest dishes in the sky we’ve ever had, skewers of tofu and peppers with a lightly spiced tomato sauce and basmati rice. We could not fault this dish and eagerly awaited our dessert, which if good, would have ended a memorable lunch. But we were offered fruit. Fruit is not dessert, it’s fruit. Don’t get us wrong, we love fruit but it is a pretty poor alternative to the warm chocolate fondants and pavlovas that other passengers were enjoying. The onboard crew agreed that it was less than inspiring and hunted down a refreshing citrus sorbet from first class. This was better than fruit, but still wasn’t a warm chocolate fondant and or a pavlova.

Etihad Business Lounge at Zayed International Airport, Abu Dhabi

Again, zero warm options in the flagship lounge at Zayed International airport, surely it would make sense to have at least one vegan option? We created our own mezze platter from the excellent selection on offer, and it was very good. No dessert option so we enjoyed a couple of the vegan date bars again which gave us a sweet fix before our next flight.

Abu Dhabi to Singapore in Business Class

Whilst waiting to hear what had been loaded as our VGML option from Abu Dhabi to Singapore, we perused the onboard Business Class menu. This was our fourth flight with Etihad in as many days, and up until now the onboard menu had nothing that was labelled vegan or even could perhaps be vegan. So it was to our surprise that the starters included a vegan laksa soup which of course we had to order. It’s kind of strange that having experienced varied success both in the lounges and on board with our Vegan Food Quest, that on our final flight there was a vegan option on the main menu? It was indeed lucky that the vegan laksa was available, as the three courses loaded for my vegan meal were described by the crew as follows: “For starter you’ve got some chickpeas, for main tomato pasta and fruit for dessert”. How very, very disappointing, uninspiring, and unacceptable. The vegan laksa was tasty, but was lacking in a vegetables or tofu for that protein hit. It was a flavoursome broth, with vermicelli noodles and bean sprouts, very enjoyable to eat. The excellent crew also created a vegan mezze platter for us too, with fattoush and beetroot hummus. We certainly didn’t go hungry, but would have loved a dessert!

We would describe the overall experience as a contrast of well thought out, nutritionally balanced and delicious dishes, and missed opportunities due to forgotten items, unclear labelling and thinking that fruit is ok for dessert. The catering on Etihad is of a high standard, the good food was very good, and looking at dishes that other passengers were served we could see that a lot of thought and effort goes into creating the menus. But as vegan passengers we felt that we were an afterthought and that we most certainly missed out on the full business class experience. The final word has to go to the lounge staff and the crew on each of the flights, they done everything they could to enhance our vegan dining experience, and were genuinely apologetic at the missing items and sometimes uninspiring choices, which we appreciated very much.

Paul Eyers


Paul Eyers is co-founder of Vegan Food Quest who write about luxury hotels and resorts in Southeast Asia with a focus on sustainable travel, eco travel and vegan travel. Currently based in Malaysia, Paul also writes about sporting events and some of the finest golf courses throughout the region.

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One Word: Skills – eLearning Industry

Skills, The New Plastics

You have just graduated college. You’re full of hopes and desires to explore the future. Your proud (and wealthy) parents throw a fancy cocktail party for you. A friend of your parents’ pulls you aside next to the fancy pool. He has one word of advice for the new generation. One word. Only one word: ____

Today, we probably laugh at this classic scene that introduced us to that one word: plastics. The rest is history; plastics have taken over the world. However, plastics can also be interpreted as fake, meaningless, and pretense. Just like the older generation in the movie The Graduate.

Only One Word: Skills

In today’s Learning and Development (L&D) scene, the one word that took over the WORL&D (world of L&D) in the last decade was skills. By now, it is everywhere. We have skills-first approaches, skills-based frameworks, and skills taxonomies. We have endless decks about upskilling and reskilling. In fact, every single decent learning tech vendor now has skills management built into their solution. And, of course, every single one is different.

The Skills Conundrum: Navigating Challenges And Avoiding Pitfalls In L&D

In the fast-evolving world of Learning and Development, beyond Artificial Intelligence (AI), the topic of skills has become central to discussions on workforce readiness and the future of work. We’ve been talking about upskilling, reskilling, and the importance of closing skills gaps for years [1]. One would think we have many great success stories to share.

I’ve been involved in both the practical implementation of skills and supporting organizations in building out their skills strategy. I can tell you it’s much more difficult than it sounds. This article covers some of the mistakes I’ve seen when it comes to implementing a skills strategy.

Mistake #0: Definition

HR can spend years defining skills for competencies and roles without ever getting to the level of defining what they mean by a skill.

  • Example
    A skills gap analysis may show that employees need communication skills. While on the surface, it sounds totally valid, it is not actionable as is. This often leads to communication skills training, active listening, empathy, etc.
  • The Fix
    You can learn a lot about communication in general, but what your individual employees need is not the theory of communication but rather how to do their job while using effective communication skills. It has to be defined for the task they execute in the context of their work.

Mistake #1: Focusing On Skills For Today Instead Of For Tomorrow

One of the most significant mistakes L&D professionals make is focusing too heavily on the immediate needs of the business, equipping employees with skills that solve short-term gaps rather than preparing them for the long-term future. While aligning learning initiatives to business strategy is critical, overemphasizing today’s job requirements can quickly render skills obsolete as the market demands change. Large-scale upskilling programs can lag behind the need before they even launch [2].

  • Example
    Consider a tech company that invests heavily in training its engineers on legacy coding languages. These skills might be in high demand now, but the pace of innovation in the tech industry means that tomorrow’s engineers will need expertise in entirely different frameworks and technologies. By the time the training programs are complete, the landscape has already shifted. Mention technical debt, and you’ll get horror stories.
  • The Fix
    Shift the focus toward future skills. Adopt a skills-based framework that incorporates not only technical capabilities but also enduring human skills like critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability within the context of work. Don’t just send employees to watch talking head videos about critical thinking. Show them an example from within the context of their work, with the results.

Mistake #2: Same Level For All

Due to limitation of resources, L&D teams sometimes take a one-size-fits-all approach to skills development without matching the depth of the skill needed for a role or an area of expertise and the priority of skills for specific business units.

  • Example
    A financial services organization might roll out a broad digital literacy initiative across all departments. However, the needs of a data scientist differ greatly from those of a customer service representative. Both groups need digital literacy, but at varying levels of complexity and impact on business outcomes.
  • The Fix
    Prioritize business-critical skills and build learning pathways that reflect the diverse needs of different roles. Identify which skills are foundational, which are growth-oriented, and which drive transformation. Technology can assist by using AI and data analytics to personalize learning paths, delivering skill-building experiences tailored to the learner’s current role, potential career path, and business priorities.

Mistake #3: Misalignment Between Skills And Real-World Application

Too often, L&D programs are centered around theoretical skills without providing a clear bridge to real-world application. Employees may finish a course on leadership or data analytics, but unless they can immediately apply what they learn on the job, the learning will quickly fade.

  • Example
    A company rolls out a leadership development program that includes workshops on emotional intelligence, effective communication, and decision-making. However, once the program ends, there are no mechanisms in place for participants to practice and reinforce these skills in their daily roles. The result? Minimal behavioral change.
  • The Fix
    Embed skills into the flow of work. Collaborate with managers and team leaders to create opportunities for employees to practice new skills through stretch assignments, real-time coaching, or on-the-job projects. Leverage digital tools like performance support systems that offer just-in-time learning, allowing employees to access training resources as they encounter challenges on the job. At a minimum, focus on the four driving factors of behavior change: motivation (with the intent to apply), opportunities (both physical and social expectation), job capabilities (knowledge, skills, and capabilities), and outcome (with a SMART goal in mind).

Mistake #4: Ignoring The Human Element

Despite advancements in digital learning technologies, many L&D programs fail to acknowledge that learning is a profoundly human process. Skills aren’t just about acquiring knowledge; they require behavior change, motivation, and ongoing support. Sometimes, L&D teams may rely too heavily on eLearning modules and self-paced courses without providing the social and emotional support learners need to succeed.

  • Example
    An organization implements a high-tech learning platform that offers a vast library of courses. However, employees feel isolated and overwhelmed by the sheer volume of content, leading to low completion rates and minimal skill adoption.
  • The Fix
    Incorporate social learning and coaching into skills development programs. Create learning communities where employees can collaborate, share insights, and solve problems together. Pair employees with mentors who can provide guidance and encouragement. Shift from the role of “providing relevant learning content” to employees to that of enabling, accelerating, and scaling impact on the job. Expand your learning design from content creation to the facilitation of skills development. Employees already learn from each other. Use that to your own advantage.

Mistake #5: Not Measuring Impact

Lastly, one of the biggest challenges is the failure to measure the impact of skills development on business performance. Many L&D teams track completion rates, learner satisfaction, or even skill assessments, but they don’t connect these metrics to real-world performance outcomes. I know, it’s difficult, but if it were easy, it would have been done by now.

  • Example
    A company invests in upskilling its sales team in negotiation techniques. While course completion rates are high, there is no correlation drawn between the training and improved sales metrics like deal size, win rate, or customer retention.
  • The Fix
    Work backwards! Start with the business goals, focus on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and then identify the behaviors required. But don’t stop here and jump to solutions. Peel the “we need training” onion and separate barriers into categories. Some can be solved by training. Some can be solved by learning. Some can be solved only through organizational change or leadership support.

Focus on measurable outcomes. Use performance metrics to gauge the impact of skills development. Integrate the data with business KPIs to understand how training is influencing key outcomes like productivity, revenue, or customer satisfaction. This might require close collaboration between L&D, HR, and business leaders to establish clear success metrics before rolling out any training initiatives.

The future of L&D is about being strategic and agile in the approach to skills development. Avoiding these common mistakes and focusing on people, processes, and technology will enable, accelerate, and scale the learning impact across your organization. Skills, when done right, become a lever for growth and transformation—not just for individuals but for the business as a whole.



[2] Workplace Learning Report 2024

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Swiss watch exports to China plunge 50% in September




October 17, 2024

Swiss watch exports suffered their steepest fall this year in September, pulled down by a 50% plunge in sales to China, the industry’s federation said on Thursday.

It marks the latest sign of weakening demand in the world’s second-largest economy, which has hit Europe’s luxury sector.


Sales to Hong Kong also fell 34.6% during the month from a year earlier, according to the Swiss Watch Industry Federation.

Swiss watch exports are a closely watched indicator for the overall health of the luxury goods sector.

Across all markets, exports fell 12.4% in September to CHF2.1 billion ($2.5 billion).

Sales also fell by 13.9% to Singapore and by 19.8% to South Korea.

Sales to other European countries dropped 3.4%, while the only major markets to grow were the USA, up 2.4%, and Japan, up 2.0%.

After hitting a record high in 2023, Swiss watch exports are down 2.7% in the first half of this year on falling Chinese demand as the country faces a real estate crisis and rising youth unemployment.

China is a key market for Swiss watches, representing 10.3 % of all exports in 2023.

But that figure underestimates China’s importance given purchases by Chinese tourists during trips to Europe, especially before Covid pandemic lockdowns.

Copyright © 2024 AFP. All rights reserved. All information displayed in this section (dispatches, photographs, logos) are protected by intellectual property rights owned by Agence France-Presse. As a consequence you may not copy, reproduce, modify, transmit, publish, display or in any way commercially exploit any of the contents of this section without the prior written consent of Agence France-Presses.

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Fly Me to the Moon and fall in love with Corfu, again!

Fly Me to the Moon is a bespoke travel agency that specialises in crafting unique and unforgettable experiences in Greece. With a passion for the country’s rich history, culture, and natural beauty, they design itineraries that effortlessly introduce travellers to the authentic Greek way of life.

Last summer, as I planned my return to Corfu, I sought the expertise of Fly Me to the Moon. I wanted to explore a side of the island I hadn’t experienced during my previous visit. Their invaluable insights helped me rediscover Corfu, especially at a time when the island was crowded with tourists from all over the world after another record-breaking year for tourist arrivals in Greece post-Covid. I wanted to experience Corfu without the crowds while still enjoying its magic. As they say at Fly Me To The Moon, you could follow the crowds or let Fly Me to the Moon show you the Greece you wouldn’t find on your own.

A timeless island paradise

Corfu, or Kerkyra, is a captivating Greek island nestled in the Ionian Sea. Renowned for its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, Corfu has enchanted visitors for centuries. Influenced by Venetian, French, and British rule, the island boasts a unique blend of cultures evident in its architecture, traditions, and cuisine.

From Odysseus’s mythical journey to Shakespeare’s poetic descriptions, Corfu has inspired countless legends and literary works. The island’s allure has also attracted historical figures such as Napoleon, Empress Sissi, and Kaiser Wilhelm II. Even James Bond found himself entangled in a thrilling adventure on Corfu’s shores.

From Odysseus’s mythical journey to Shakespeare’s poetic descriptions, Corfu has inspired countless legends and literary works. The island’s allure has also attracted historical figures such as Napoleon, Empress Sissi, and Kaiser Wilhelm II. Even James Bond found himself entangled in a thrilling adventure on Corfu’s shores.

Arriving late in the evening from London, I found Corfu to be a convenient destination with numerous international flights. Especially from London, you’ll find numerous direct flights arriving on the island every year (April to October). Following Fly Me To The Moon’s suggestion, I rented a car from a local agency (to avoid the post-COVID surge in prices, long lines, and excessive administrative processes) and drove to Agios Prokopios village.

With only one coffee shop (also a bar, bakery, and convenience store!) in the centre of the village and a permanent local population, Agios Prokopios served as a peaceful oasis during the peak tourist season. This small, non-touristy village, where Fly Me To The Moon had arranged a traditional house for my stay, is conveniently located in the heart of the island. From Agios Prokopios, I had easy access to Corfu town, both north and south Corfu, famous beaches, and villages. Exploring Corfu from this base allowed me to avoid crowded roads and traffic, especially considering the thousands of tourists visiting the island.

Corfu’s rich history and unique lifestyle

A visit to Corfu isn’t complete without exploring its UNESCO World Heritage-listed Old Town, a labyrinth of Venetian architecture, cobblestone streets, and historic landmarks like the Old and New Fortresses. To truly appreciate Corfu’s rich history and artistic heritage, be sure to visit the Archaeological Museum, the Byzantine Museum, and the Municipal Art Gallery. I found myself returning to the Old Town several times, both day and night, to soak up its unique atmosphere.

In the evenings, Corfu Town comes alive with its narrow streets, Spianada Square, and vibrant nightlife. Indulge in delicious Corfiot cuisine at renowned restaurants like Pomo d’oro, Venetsianiko Pigadi (Venetian Well), and Tο tavernaki tis Marinas. Don’t miss out on trying local specialties like Pastitsada, Sofrito, Noumboulo, and Bourdetto, paired with Tsitsibira (ginger beer) or Corfiot Red Beer. For a sweet treat, savor Mandoles (caramelized almonds), Sykomaida (fig paste), or traditional desserts like galaktoboureko, mandoles, and loukoumades at local bakeries and confectioneries – to name just a few: Periklis Alexis’s dairy shop for galaktoboureko, Papagiorgis confectionery for mandoles and ice cream, and Stazi Meli for traditional loukoumades, all in Corfu old town.

While exploring the island and after a long day at a beach, be sure to try some of the local restaurants outside of Corfu Town. To Stavrodromi restaurant, located between Agios Ounoufrios and Pelekas villages, offers traditional Greek cuisine, while Grill restaurant near Kastellani village is a popular spot with locals. And don’t forget to enjoy a meal at one of the many beach bars and restaurants around the island.

Although I visited many beaches during my trip, Agios Gordios beach became my favourite. I loved spending my afternoons there at one of the beach bars and staying until after sunset, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and stunning views.

A taste of adventure

As an active traveller, I couldn’t resist spending two days exploring Corfu’s hiking trails. My first hike was from Paliokastritsa to Angelokastro Castle, a moderately challenging trek rewarded with breath-taking panoramic views. Along the way, I paused in the charming village of Lakones for a refreshing break and a delicious yogurt with honey and nuts, admiring the stunning views of Palaokastritsa.

After the hike, I cooled off at the beautiful Palaokastritsa beach, the refreshing cold water a welcome respite from the summer sun. I ended up spending the whole evening there, enjoying a drink at Aragosta Beach Club and a delicious dinner. The combination of excellent service, delicious food, and a relaxed atmosphere kept me there with no regrets. The risotto was particularly delicious!

My second hiking adventure took me to the summit of Mount Pantokrator. Starting from the picturesque village of Old Peritheia, I ascended the island’s highest peak, enjoying stunning views along the way. After my descent, I explored the historic village of Old Peritheia and visited Canal D’ Amour, a famous beach known for its unique rock formation.

Continuing my journey, I discovered Porto Timoni, one of Corfu’s most beautiful and secluded beaches. Following Fly Me To The Moon’s recommendation, I headed to Afionas village to witness a spectacular sunset. Anemos Bar and Restaurant, a popular spot for enjoying the sunset, is a must-visit. Be sure to arrive early or make a reservation to secure a good table.

Everything you need to plan your trip in 2024

Royal flair and Corfu class

On my final day in Corfu, I indulged in a bit of royal flair. I visited the magnificent Achilleion Palace, a neoclassical mansion built for Empress Elisabeth of Austria (Sisi) in the late 19th century. The palace is adorned with stunning statues and frescoes inspired by Greek mythology, reflecting Sisi’s fascination with ancient Greece. Right after, I explored the Mon Repos Palace, the former summer residence of the Greek royal family and birthplace of Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh.

For a delightful final meal, I dined at Flisvos The Seaside Experience, a beachfront restaurant next to the Holy Monastery of Panagia Vlacherna. Enjoying the delicious cuisine and breathtaking views of airplanes landing on the island was a memorable experience. After dinner, I strolled back to Corfu Town for a night walk, exploring the narrow streets and enjoying a nightcap at Cale Larga, a popular spot for quality drinks and late-night chats. I particularly enjoyed the gin and tonic with an olive twist!

If you have more time, consider escaping the crowds at Agios Georgios beach (near Afionas village and Porto Timoni beach) or taking a boat tour to explore hidden coves and nearby islands like Paxos and Antipaxos. While I always plan to visit these islands during my trips to Corfu, I often find myself so captivated by the island itself that I end up saving them for another time. This way, I always have an excuse to return!

Fly Me to the Moon and back to Corfu!

I always find myself drawn back to Corfu! For some reason, I can never get enough of this island, making it one of my favorite Greek escapes. And it’s not just for summer. Corfu is an amazing place to visit year-round. Besides summer, it’s particularly famous and popular during Easter, attracting thousands of travelers. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, Corfu offers something for everyone. With its breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality, this enchanting island is sure to leave a lasting impression.

If you’re looking to experience Corfu like a true insider, Fly Me to the Moon is your ideal guide. As Elena Papanicolaou, founder of Fly Me to the Moon says: “There is something pure and primitive about Greece. The soul of the country – the vibe – is what makes it unique. You can absorb that essence, especially in more unexplored places. If you just breathe and close your eyes or look up at the sky, you feel like you’re a part of the millennia, that are speaking to you.”

Dimitrios Athanasopoulos


Dimitrios Athanasopoulos is Director of Fine Representation. Fine Representation is a London-based boutique and independent representation and consulting agency for exquisite travel and travel-related brands. If you would like to be a guest blogger on A Luxury Travel Blog in order to raise your profile, please contact us.

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Close Skill Gaps In Your Organization

Bridge Skills Gaps In Your Organization

Most companies and organizations are aware that there is a skills gap. This is also an area of concern for employee development. And in this scenario, the managers face issues trying to improve employee performance. The problem is to identify and close those skill gaps. Time and energy must be spent in surveying the teams and discovering the missing skills. This is both distracting and a hindrance.

The alternative is a top-down scenario, where just a few managers nominate the core skills to develop. But this is neither collaborative nor comprehensive. It’s just too subjective. And yet, skill gaps need to be identified. Today, the best way to upskill and reskill your teams is through skills-based learning. This article will help you with how to find and close skill gaps them within your organization, which will in turn help you to reach your business goals.

Why Do Skill Gaps Need To Be Identified?

Identifying a weakness is the first step towards overcoming that weakness. You cannot help your teams improve if you do not know what needs to be improved. This then informs your overall Learning and Development (L&D) strategy and gives you a base to grow from. The pity is most L&D programs do not start here. Most L&D, instead, uses a topic-based approach, thinking that if enough content is generated, then some of it must be relevant.

If you know the skills gaps, this helps the company identify its current and future issues including talent and knowledge shortages. It provides employees with a clear career progression path, including what steps to take next. Provides fair quality and specific reference points in performance reviews about the evaluative nature of feedback given to all members of the team. This keeps the corporation focused on continuous improvement. The more effective the culture, the more versatile and more future-proofed the organization.

There is value in identifying the skill gaps but then deciding not to invest in upskilling, at least for now. Perhaps they are not urgent or the impact of some of the employee skill gaps is not quite as critical as others identified. It is okay not to address and close all the skill gaps at one time.

How To Identify Them

The first requirement for improving workforce performance becomes that of determining the skill gaps in a workplace, which is directly to the interest of every leader. The following are some of the major steps involved in skill gap analysis:

1. Skill Gap Analysis

An analysis of the gap will give insight into the competency available at employee levels and knowledge gaps. Cataloging existing skills against needed skills for a role enables HR professionals to have a basis of prioritizing Learning and Development initiatives. Particular skill gaps enable organizations to strategize on hiring talent or reskilling existing employees to meet future demands.

2. Review Performance

Workforce skill development discussions also encompass employee performance reviews. Employing findings from skill benchmarking, managers can focus on areas of weakness and work in coordination with the employees to develop a plan for improvement. This would help workers align with what their job roles demand in terms of skills, taking actionable steps toward progress.

3. Elicit Employee Feedback

Engagement of employees in the discussion regarding skill development is extremely essential. A manager might silence the aspirations of workers by labeling them irrelevant. That can discourage an employee from learning a new skill. Real dialogue about training priorities between a manager and an employee will develop an ethos of support, increasing engagement and commitment even more.

4. Use Skill Benchmarking To Set Targets

With skill benchmarking, firms will be able to compare the competencies of employees to industry benchmarks. Through this, it will be possible for HR and L&D teams to determine whether employees are competent enough for specific roles and what needs to be upgraded for them. Better skills intelligence can modify training strategies to improve the workforce’s capabilities.

5. Experiential Learning Must Be Given The First Priority

Once the skill gaps have been determined, organizations can focus on experiential learning experiences. Although importance lies only in traditional trainings, yet, to learn effectively, there should be contextual application of the learned knowledge. By providing experiences through projects, mentorships, and other hands-on activities, companies help employees cope with knowledge gaps while propelling their careers.

By using these strategies, the capability to find and close the skill gaps successfully exists, therefore contributing towards the more capable and competitive workforce.

How To Close Skill Gaps

Nearly 70% of organizations that have implemented reskilling programs report equal or greater Return On Investment (ROI) based on business impact. Consider the following seven strategies for a successful skill-development program in order to reskill your workforce.

1. Provide Mentorship

The biggest influencer of skill acquisition is mentorship. Training and mentoring employees improve their retention of new skills. A comprehensive matching process and scheduled one-on-one meetings will ensure that it works to the advantage of both parties.

2. Utilize A Learning Management Platform

Implementing a learning management platform makes the training process easier. With 88% of employees preferring to learn using new technology, it is possible to create effective customized programs via a Learning Management System (LMS). This can be implemented across multiple devices and integrates with most tools, which makes training engaging and accessible.

3. Develop Soft Skills

Soft skills are being emphasized more and more by the workplace and valued over all other hard skills by HR professionals; 93% are of this opinion. This essentially boils down to the building of interpersonal skills, from communication to teamwork, for uncomplicated collaboration. Working on social and emotional abilities such as empathy and adaptability can work wonders for staff performance.

4. Design Tailor-Made Learning Road Maps

The keys to really effective reskilling lies in personalized learning paths. Structured learning journeys improve employees’ knowledge retention and their utilization of new skills. An organization can facilitate collaborative learning, making sure training is relevant to specific roles, by grouping employees with similar experiences.

5. Mixing Learning Formats

Integration of many different learning formats enhances skill development. Although eLearning has gained popularity, it has been proven that combining face-to-face workshops and peer learning through an omnichannel approach positively affects outcomes. The variety of styles in the learning experience keeps the employees interested and caters to various learning styles.

 6. Track Training Progress And ROI

Monitoring how effective training programs are is crucial, as is updating the programs continuously. The organization can obtain an accurate perspective on the success of skill development programs through evaluation reports and completion rates. High-level analysis will allow the system to identify trends and modify programs to serve employee needs better. These will improve the workforce’s skill level greatly, in handling both current challenges but also future ones as the business environment changes.


This is also a time when companies are focusing increasingly on preparing their people for the future. Hence knowing what skills and competencies your workforce currently possesses, and what is lacking, is very much on the agenda. Failure to fill these gaps can mean missing opportunities to innovate and losing a competitive edge. A good skill gap analysis will, therefore, be a key instrument that will help you understand what your employees can accomplish, thus building for you an accomplished workforce.

Editor’s Note: Check out our directory to find, choose, and compare eLearning Industry’s Top LMS Software.

eBook Release: Skills Caravan

Skills Caravan

Skills Caravan multi-product Learning Experience Platform, Content Library, Engagement platform, Credentialing and Impact reporting we automate and integrate the Learning and Development process.

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The Pros, Cons and What it Means for Designers [+ Expert Insight]


Several months ago, I tested several AI logo generators and documented my experience. Then my friend Michael Randall, a graphic designer, read the post, and I‘ll just say he wasn’t thrilled about it.
A hand with a pencil draws a rocket ship on a computer, representing AI in graphic design


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How AI Is Transforming CRO Strategies


The future of conversion rate optimization is here — and it’s driven by AI. From personalized video to scalable email outreach, learn how to maximize conversions with AI CRO. [...]

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Dark spots on legs: Why does this happen and how to treat them

There are several health conditions that might cause dark spots on legs. Here’s why they occur and how to get rid of them.

Sun exposure, injuries, and hormonal fluctuations can leave you with dark spots on your legs. In fact, health conditions such as diabetes can also result in hyperpigmentation. At times, these dark spots are also due to excessive melanin production in certain parts of the skin. The higher your melanin levels, the darker your skin gets. While these spots are harmless (most of the time), the treatment of these patches depends on why they have been caused in the first place. However, besides OTC medication, there are some simple and easy home remedies that can help you get rid of these dark spots on legs in no time. In fact, these are also useful in preventing further dark patches from developing.

What are dark spots?

Dark spots on legs are patches of skin that are darker than the surrounding skin. They are often caused by an increase in melanin, a pigment that gives skin its colour, as found in a study published in the Molecules. These dark spots can vary in size, shape, and intensity, and they may appear on any part of the legs. Plus, freckles and dark patches indicate that specific areas have more melanin.

The dark patches of skin are usually uniform in colour, without any distinct borders or patterns. They typically appear flat on the skin surface. Also, these dark spots usually do not cause itching or pain.

Causes of dark spots on legs

Here are some common causes of dark spots on legs.

1. Sun exposure

The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays play a significant role in the development of dark spots on the legs, states a study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. When skin is exposed to excessive sunlight, the body’s natural defence mechanism is to produce more melanin, a pigment that gives skin its colour. This increased melanin production can lead to darker patches of skin, often referred to as sunspots or age spots. The type of UV rays that most contribute to dark spot formation are UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays penetrate deeper into the skin and can cause long-term damage, including premature ageing and increased risk of skin cancer. UVB rays are primarily responsible for sunburns, but they can also contribute to hyperpigmentation.

2. Hormonal changes

Hormonal fluctuations can be a significant factor in the development of dark spots on the legs. During pregnancy, hormonal changes can lead to an increase in melanin production, resulting in hyperpigmentation, states a study published in the journal Pigment International. This is often referred to as the ‘mask of pregnancy’ or melasma, and it typically appears as dark patches on the face, but it can also affect the legs. Plus, menopause is another time of significant hormonal change, and it can also contribute to hyperpigmentation, as found in a study published in the journal Cosmetics. As oestrogen levels decline, the skin may become more sensitive to sunlight and other environmental factors, leading to an increase in melanin production. While hormonal changes are often associated with dark spots, it is important to note that not everyone experiences hyperpigmentation during these times. The extent to which hormones affect skin pigmentation can vary from person to person.

3. Skin injuries and inflammation

Skin injuries or inflammation can trigger an increase in melanin production, leading to the formation of dark spots, states a study, published by StatPearls. When the skin is damaged, the body’s repair mechanisms are activated, which can include increased melanin production. This can result in darker patches of skin at the site of the injury. Some examples of skin injuries that can cause dark spots include, minor skin injuries can lead to hyperpigmentation as the skin heals, burns, whether from the sun, heat, or chemicals, can cause dark spots to form, acne breakouts can leave behind dark spots, often referred to as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, and insect bites can sometimes cause dark spots to develop.

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4. Genetics

Genetics can play a significant role in the development of dark spots on the legs. Some people may be genetically predisposed to hyperpigmentation, meaning they are more likely to develop dark spots compared to others. “This genetic predisposition can be inherited from parents or other family members. If you have a family history of dark spots, it’s more likely that you’ll also experience them,” says cosmetologist and trichologist Dr Priti Mahire.

How to treat dark spots on legs?

Professional treatments including as chemical peels, laser therapy, and topical creams that may be used to effectively treat more stubborn or severe dark spots. These treatments help to exfoliate the skin, reduce pigmentation, and increase collagen production. However, every skin is different. It might be a good idea to consult with a dermatologist, who may provide more personalised treatment options tailored to your skin’s needs.

A woman applying cream on her legs
Lemon, aloe vera are some of the home remedies that you can try to get rid of dark spots on legs. Image courtesy: Freepik

7 home remedies to treat dark spots on legs

While professional treatments can be effective, there are several home remedies you can try at home to help lighten dark spots on your legs. Here are some natural remedies

1. Lemon juice

Lemon juice contains citric acid, a natural bleaching agent that can help lighten dark spots.

How to use:

  • Dilute lemon juice with water to avoid irritation.
  • Apply the diluted juice to the dark spots and gently massage.
  • Leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with cold water.

2. Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is known for its soothing and healing properties. It can help reduce inflammation and promote skin regeneration.

How to use:

  • Extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf and apply it directly to the dark spots.
  • Leave it overnight and rinse with warm water in the morning.

3. Potato juice

Potatoes contain catechol oxidase, an enzyme that can help inhibit melanin production.

How to use:

  • Grate a potato and extract the juice.
  • Apply the juice to the dark spots and let it dry for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water.

4. Yoghurt

Yoghurt contains lactic acid, which can help exfoliate the skin and reduce hyperpigmentation.

How to use:

  • Apply plain yoghurt to the dark spots and gently massage.
  • Leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with cold water.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric contains curcumin, a natural anti-inflammatory compound that can help reduce hyperpigmentation.

How to use:

  • Mix turmeric powder with a little water to form a paste.
  • Apply the paste to the dark spots and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water.

6. Sugar scrub

A sugar scrub can help exfoliate the skin and remove dead cells, revealing brighter skin.

How to use:

  • Mix sugar with a carrier oil (like olive oil or coconut oil) to create a scrub.
  • Gently massage the scrub onto the dark spots in circular motions.
  • Rinse with warm water.

7. Onion juice

Onion juice contains sulphur compounds that can help lighten the skin.

How to use:

  • Grate an onion and extract the juice.
  • Apply the juice to the dark spots and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water.

While these home remedies can be effective for many people, it is essential to patch test them on a small area of skin first to check for any allergic reactions. If you have sensitive skin or underlying medical conditions, consult with a dermatologist before trying these remedies.

A woman spreading cream on her legs
Chemical peels, laser therapy, and topical creams can be used to treat dark spots on legs. Image courtesy: Freepik

How long does it take for dark spots to disappear?

The effectiveness and speed of home remedies for dark spots can vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the hyperpigmentation, individual skin type, and consistency of use. While some people may notice visible results within a few weeks, others may require several months of consistent application.

When should you head to the doctor?

Dark spots on your legs are normally not a cause for concern. However, if you are concerned about the appearance of dark spots on your skin, consult your doctor or dermatologist for safe and effective treatment options. Here are some indications that you should see a dermatologist regarding dark spots on legs.

  • The dark spots are spreading and becoming more visible.
  • You feel itchiness, soreness, or other discomfort.
  • Home remedies are not showing results after several weeks of constant application.
  • You have other underlying medical issues that could be causing the black spots.

A dermatologist can provide an accurate diagnosis, rule out any underlying medical concerns, and offer appropriate therapies based on your unique needs. They may also recommend professional therapies for more severe cases of hyperpigmentation.


Dark spots on the legs can be prevented with proper skincare and sun protection. Regular exfoliation and moisturising of your legs can help prevent environmental damage and keep them smoother and softer. Dark spots on the legs are not serious. However, if the spots bleed, change colour, or grow in size, or you experience discomfort or tenderness, get medical attention immediately. The healthcare providers can assist you with an accurate diagnosis and the most efficient dermatology treatment.

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The Benefits of Raising Hopeful Kids in Cynical Times

Zaki put it this way, “Optimism is us telling our kids, don’t worry, honey, it’s going to be fine. First, we can’t guarantee that because we don’t know what the future holds. Second, it leaves our kids on the sidelines observing helplessly as they see things that might be difficult or harmful.” In contrast, hope is telling our kids, ‘“I don’t know what’s going to happen, but you can make a difference.’”

The Connection Between Curiosity, Hope and Data  

According to surveys cited by Zaki, the majority of parents believe that teaching kids that “the world is dangerous and competitive” will help them be more successful. But this world-view can be detrimental to children’s academic success. Zaki points to a research study of over two hundred thousand people in thirty countries. Cynics “scored less well on tasks that measure cognitive ability, problem-solving, and mathematical skill.” Despite this, he writes, “the stereotype of the happy, gullible simpleton and the wise, bitter misanthrope lives on, stubborn enough that scientists have named it ‘the cynical genius illusion.’”

Why would cynicism dampen cognitive acumen? Perhaps part of the answer can be found in curiosity. Curiosity primes children’s brains for learning. Curious kids want to know why, and that pushes them past simplistic or absolutist notions about the world. Children have an impulse to explore and make sense of the world – but that also means that they can absorb the fears of the adults closest to them. “Kids are sponges,” said Zaki, “and often we’re saturating those sponges with the dirty water of our own biases, but we don’t have to. We can allow their curiosity to direct them to more accurate and hopeful information instead.”

That means adults have work to do, Zaki said. Building hope often means “unlearning a lot of bad intel” that we’ve received from culture, media, and the “shredder of social media.” Scary stories can feed our worst perceptions about what people are like and cause us to overestimate dangers. “Hope isn’t a matter of tuning out and burying our heads in the sand,” said Zaki. “Hope is a matter of paying closer attention and focusing more intently on what the world has to offer. Hope is a response to data.”

Take, for example, “stranger danger.” According to a 2023 Pew Research survey, 28 percent of American parents say they are “extremely worried” that their children will be abducted, with another 31% saying they were “somewhat worried” about it. And yet the actual risk of a child being kidnapped by a stranger is incredibly low. According to researchers for the University of California Irvine: “The actual risk of a teen or child being abducted by a stranger and killed or not returned is estimated at around 0.00007%, or one in 1.4 million annually—a risk so small that experts call it de minimis, meaning effectively zero.” They continue:

The idea that unsupervised children are in constant danger is relatively new. Just one generation ago, children had much more freedom to explore their surroundings. In the early 1970s, psychologist Roger Hart spent two years making maps of the places that children in a rural New England town were allowed to go by themselves. He found that 4- and 5-year-olds were allowed to travel throughout their neighborhoods alone, and 10-year-olds had free run of the town. Forty years later, Hart returned to the same town and found that although the crime rate was exactly the same, most children were now forbidden from roaming past their own backyards.

Zaki explains that data clearly shows that “people who think the world is dangerous do worse in terms of their mental health, their careers, and their happiness. But because we’ve passed [our fears] on to our kids, they are less trusting than we were, and they have less freedom than we did.”

Zaki recommends modeling “fact-checking” our cynical beliefs. “When I find myself mistrusting somebody I’ve just met for the first time, I say, ‘Wait a minute, Zaki, what data do you have to back up this mistrust?’ And oftentimes the answer is nothing. I have no data here. It’s just my instincts, and our instincts skew negative compared to real evidence. So I try to question my cynical instincts, and I try to encourage my kids to question their cynicism as well, to be curious and skeptical instead of cynical.”

Why We Underestimate Human Goodness

Researchers have found that humans generally tend to underestimate human goodness. This is another area where data can be both helpful and hopeful, said Zaki. Take this study as an example: a group of researchers “dropped” nearly 17,000 wallets in 40 countries over the course of two years. Some wallets had no money, some had the equivalent of $13 and some had the equivalent of $100. The wallets all contained contact information for the “owner.” So how many people attempted to reach the owner of the lost wallet? Researchers assumed that the higher the amount of money in the wallet, the fewer would be returned. A poll of 279 “top-performing academic economists” agreed. But the exact opposite turned out to be true. Forty-six percent of empty wallets were reported, as compared with 61% of the $13 wallets and 72% of $100 wallets. The more money lost, the more people went out of their way to return the money to the owner. People wanted to help out strangers they had never met.

Zaki was not surprised by this because his research has found that “most people value compassion over selfishness.” This is important information: if our kids believe that the majority of people simply don’t care about pressing issues, it’s easy to feel hopeless. Look at climate change, said Zaki. “The average American thinks that 40% or fewer Americans want aggressive policy to protect the climate, but the actual number is more than two-thirds. There are many ways that our kids are probably part of a supermajority that they don’t know they’re part of. If you know that most people want, just like you do, a more peaceful, egalitarian, and sustainable world, then suddenly fighting for it makes a lot more sense.”

After years of working with college students, Zaki believes that much of the young people’s anxiety stems from “the perception that the world is struggling and I can’t do anything about it.” Because of the internet, today’s adolescents are global citizens in ways previous generations were not. Feelings of helplessness accentuate distress.

Richard Weissbourd, director of Harvard’s Making Caring Common project, notes that kids and adults are “more distressed when we feel helpless and passive — and more comfortable when we are taking action.” Adults can help their children turn empathy into activity, teaching them ways to “expand their circle of concern,” reach out to others, and make a difference in the community.

How to Practice Social Savoring

One practical strategy for fostering hope is savoring, or “noticing the good stuff as it happens.” Noticing small moments of human goodness helps us correct the negativity bias that most of us are prone to. As Zaki explains,“Our minds are structured to pay lots of attention to threats. And that’s good because it keeps us safe, but it’s also a bias that often makes us wrong about what the world is like and what people are like. So savoring beautiful things and positive experiences is a great exercise in general in terms of balancing our perspective.”

Start by helping your kids practice “savoring” in general – to appreciate the taste of their favorite food, to linger outside during a beautiful sunset, or to pause to notice how good they are feeling during a special outing. That will help them translate this savoring to social situations – to mindfully notice the good in others. “I try do this with my kids all the time,” said Zaki, “I share with them if I notice somebody doing something really kind, and I ask them, ‘Tell me about the kind thing that somebody in your class did?’” These conversations can help change what we notice day-to-day, because if we want to share these moments with our kids, we have to look for goodness out in the world. Social savoring, over time, “becomes a habit of mind.”

The Art of ‘Underbearing Attentiveness’ 

When Zaki thinks of hopeful parenting, one phrase that comes to mind is “underbearing attentiveness.”

He found this phrase in the writings of the late Emile Bruneau, a close friend and fellow psychology professor – someone he describes as “an unofficial ambassador for humanity’s better angels.” Bruneau had a difficult childhood, and amidst emotional pain and financial challenges, his dad’s “underbearing attentiveness” was his anchor of hope.

“Emile felt utterly supported by his dad,” Zaki explains. “He knew that his dad was there when he needed him, but his dad was not a micromanaging parent. He let Emile explore and run through the forest, even from a very young age. They traipsed around together and were partners in life. His father allowed him to build his own world and become his own person under his watchful eye, but not under his thumb.”

This approach reflects the research on healthy attachment patterns, said Zaki. “The sign of a securely attached baby or toddler is that they feel that they can explore the world in their parents’ presence. What we risk when we focus too much on protecting our children is draining them of their curiosity.” Underbearing attentiveness can be a way to intentionally temper our instincts to shield our children from all potential harm.

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Hootsuite Pricing Breakdown: Is it Worth the Cost?

As a well-renowned social media tool, Hootsuite pricing is common knowledge, and many businesses have used it to streamline their presence on multiple social networks. However, there is more to the pricing structure than meets the eye. Over the years, Hootsuite cost has seen several rounds of spikes, which have caused users a lot of inconvenience.

At present, there are a lot of subtle details and surcharges to access the vital features of Hootsuite. It asks for your payment details while signing up for a free trial. These factors make potential users skeptical about committing to any of Hootsuite pricing plans. This, in turn, has made them seek other, more affordable tools to manage their social media presence.

If you are in a dilemma about Hootsuite plans and whether it’ll be suitable for your business, we are going to help you answer all those questions.

Overview of All the Hootsuite Pricing

We’re sure that you’ve already seen Hootsuite’s pricing page, but here is a quick summary of the available subscriptions. We’ve included only the principal details of each plan and will discuss them in depth in the upcoming sections.

Professional Team Enterprise
Cost when billed annually $99 per month $249 per month Custom
Cost when billed monthly $149 per month $399 per month Custom
Profiles 10 20 +50
Users 1 3 +5
Additional Profiles Not available Not available Available
Add-on Users Not available Not available Charged per-user

Hootsuite currently has three plans listed on its pricing page, two of which we know the exact cost of. The third one, the Enterprise plan, can be customized for the needs of large businesses.

However, Hootsuite is not exactly transparent with its pricing. It lists only the monthly prices of the plans based on annual billing, excluding taxes. We’ve discovered that if you choose to pay per month, Hootsuite pricing plans would cost you much more than it appears on its pricing page.

It seems Hootsuite pushes users toward their Enterprise plan by restricting flexibility in the lower-tier plans, where adding users or social accounts beyond the set limit isn’t allowed. In contrast, the Enterprise plan offers this flexibility but for additional fees.

Hootsuite Pricing Breakdown for Different Business Types

For Enterprises

Suitable Hootsuite Enterprise Plan:

Enterprise plan starts from $15,000 onwards.

Essential Features:

Here are some of the most notable features offered under the Enterprise plan in Hootsuite:

  • Unlimited post scheduling
  • Custom social media analytics
  • Competitive benchmarking tool
  • Comprehensive social inbox
  • Team roles and permissions
  •  One custom-branded URL
  • Approval workflow within the team
  • Single sign-on (SSO)

Enterprise is the highest-tiered Hootsuite pricing plan, best suited for large-scale business ventures. This subscription is highly customizable and supports 50 social profiles at a minimum. It has all the features that would streamline the workflow of a whole team while automating multiple social media activities into a single dashboard.

Unlimited publishing and approval workflow are two of the most important for the smooth functioning of a social media team in an enterprise to keep up a strong presence online.

Missing Features

Here are some features that are not a part of the Enterprise plan by default.

  • Advanced social listening
  • Advanced analytics
  • Advanced inbox
  • Employee advocacy

The list of features which we have mentioned above are not a part of the Enterprise plan of Hootsuite. By this, we mean that you’ll have to pay extra to avail them as add ons.

Now, users are already paying handsomely for the custom Enterprise subscription, but even then, the tool is asking for additional payment. This is one of the prominent gaps in Hootsuite pricing, where users don’t automatically get access to the most advanced features when they are at the most advanced plan in the tool.

For Agencies

Suitable Hootsuite Agencies Plan:

Team plan at $249/ month when billed annually.

Essential Features:

  • Unlimited content drafting and publishing
  • Team roles and permission-based access
  • Link in bio tool
  • UTM link tracking for campaign management
  • Assignment for answering DMs with collision prevention
  • Calendar sharing
  • Bulk scheduling
  • Social Ads management
  • Report exporting

Hootsuite Team pricing is ideal for smaller agencies that manage up to 20 accounts at a time. It includes features such as roles and assignments to control the extent of a team member’s access to an account or task in the workflow. You can also share your progress status and current publishing schedule with shareable reposts and content calendars, respectively.

Missing Features:

  • No add-on social profiles
  • No additional users
  • Approval workflow
  • Content library and content management
  • Team productivity reporting
  • Scheduling reports
  • Social listening

One of the most important things agencies need is scalability and scope of growth. Hootsuite’s Team plan lacks in this regard by not allowing users to add team members or social accounts. This means agencies with more than 3 to 4 clients or with more than 20 social accounts to manage would have to upgrade their Hootsuite pricing plan to accommodate their needs.

A few other noteworthy abilities missing from Hootsuite’s Team plan are the approval workflow and content library. These are essential for maintaining publishing consistency and posting error-free content.

For Multi-Locational Brands

Suitable Hootsuite Multi-Locational Brands Plan:

Team plan at $249/ month when billed annually.

Essential Features:

  • Multi-profile scheduling
  • Social media content calendar
  • Recommended time to publish
  • Branded URL
  • Centralized Inbox
  • Team assignment for message answering
  • Customizable reports
  • Competitive benchmarking
  • Social listening
  • Social ad campaign management
  • Permission-based access

The Team plan in Hootsuite is ideal for multi-location brands, offering streamlined tools for managing content, scheduling, and social interactions across multiple profiles. Its collaboration features, advanced reporting, and social listening capabilities help brands maintain a cohesive online presence while enabling efficient team coordination. This plan enhances control and strategy execution across various locations.

Missing Features:

  • Add-on users
  • Approval workflows
  • Content library
  • Contact management
  • Automated replies
  • Setting custom available hours
  • Advanced Inbox
  • Salesforce integration
  • Advanced report customizations
  • Social listening

The Team plan lacks essential features like add-on users, approval workflows, and advanced reporting, which can limit collaboration and efficiency for multi-location brands. These gaps may hinder seamless management and scalability, making it less suitable for brands with more complex needs.

For Small Businesses

Suitable Hootsuite Small Businesses Plan:

Professional plan at $99 when billed annually.

Essential Features:

  • Unlimited content drafting and scheduling
  • Best times to post recommendations
  • AI caption, hashtag, and ideas generator
  • Multi-profile support
  • Content calendar
  • Bulk scheduling
  • Content discovery
  • Hashtag suggestions
  • Stock image library
  • Canva integration
  • Social inbox
  • Customizable reports
  • Competitive benchmarking for two competitors
  • Social ad management

The Professional plan is well-suited for small businesses, offering tools that simplify content creation, scheduling, and social media management. With support for multiple profiles and efficient planning features, it helps small businesses maintain a strong, consistent online presence.

Its focus on streamlined operations and basic analytics makes it a practical, cost-effective solution for smaller teams.

Missing Features:

  • No add-on users or social accounts
  • Link in bio
  • Content library
  • Designated active hours
  • CSV or .xlsx report export
  • Social listening

The Professional plan in Hootsuite, while affordable, lacks key capabilities that growing small businesses often need. Without advanced collaboration tools, enhanced reporting, or social listening features, it limits scalability and comprehensive social media management.

Small businesses seeking deeper insights, better team coordination, and streamlined content workflows will likely find the plan insufficient for their evolving needs.

For Nonprofit Organizations

Suitable Hootsuite Non-Profit Organizations plan:

Hootsuite’s special Non-profit discount plans come at 75% discount. Hence they cost $24.50 for Professional and $64.50 for Team.

Essential Features:

  • Limitless posting
  • Bulk posting
  • AI caption generation
  • Real-time analytics and reporting
  • Custom URL (Team plan)
  • Inbox management
  • Certification

Professional plan for Nonprofits have all the features of the default Professional plan.

Similarly Team plan for Nonprofits have identical capabilities like that of the normal Team plan in Hootsuite pricing. Despite having similar features, Hootsuite charges a quarter of the original price for these or nonprofits.

Missing Features:

  • Custom social media analytics
  • Competitive benchmarking tool
  • Comprehensive social inbox
  • Team roles and permissions
  •  One custom-branded URL
  • Approval workflow within the team
  • Single sign-on (SSO)
  • Advanced social listening
  • Advanced analytics
  • Advanced inbox
  • Employee advocacy

As there are no enterprise-level plans for Nonprofits, they are missing all the advanced capabilities and flexibility that come with them. Due to the lack of an add-on allowance, nonprofit plan users can not add profiles or users more than their plan designates.

So, despite having specially designed Hootsuite pricing for nonprofits, users under these plans have some restrictions that might hinder them. Organizations looking for advanced features might find the nonprofit discounted plans under Hootsuite insufficient for their requirements.

For Individuals

Suitable Hootsuite Plan for Individuals:

Professional plan at $99 when billed annually.

Essential Features:

  • Unlimited post scheduling
  • Best times to post recommendations
  • AI generator of captions, hashtags, and ideas
  • Multi-profile scheduling
  • Link shortening and tracking
  • Audience targeting for LinkedIn
  • Content discovery
  • Stock photo library
  • Digital media editing
  • Design with Canva
  • Post-performance analytics

There are a lot of features in this plan which might prove suitable for individual users. If you have the budget to get the Professional plan, then Hootsuite offers capabilities under the Professional plan which would let you manage up to 10 social media accounts for $99 a month.

However, this might prove to be costly for many people when there are much cheaper options available.

Missing Features:

  • Add-on accounts
  • Link in bio feature
  • Content library
  • Advanced report exporting
  • Advanced report customizations
  • Social listening
  • No training facilities

As you can see, many advanced compatibilities are missing in the Professional plan which might be required by even a solo entrepreneur or marketing manager. Paying $1188 annually for a diverse tool such as Hootsuite and not having access to more advanced features detracts potential individual users for opting it.

Alternative to Hootsuite

Although Hootsuite is a proficient social media tool, the platform’s pricing plans have often deterred potential users from choosing it over other tools. This is why social media professionals seek out alternatives to Hootsuite. They want in these, what Hootsuite lacks, i.e., cost-effectiveness for smaller and growing businesses, and flexibility in pricing structure.

Here is a comparison of the pricing structures of Hootsuite with that of one of its best alternatives, SocialPilot.





Pricing Starts at $25/Month Starts at $99/Month
Best for Agencies & Small Businesses Brands & Enterprises
Social Profiles 10 10
Ease of Use
Smart Queues check check
Repeat Posts check check
Calendar View check check
Auto Post From RSS Feeds check check (Add on)
Bulk Scheduling check (500 Posts) check (350 Posts)
First Comment Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn (Available in all plans) check
Post Creation
Draft Your Posts check check (Obscure settings)
Image Editor check check
AI Assistant check check
Hashtag Generator check (Aligned with captions) check
Holiday Calendar check check
Canva Integration check (On all plans)
Media From External Sources check check
Custom Call-To-Actions check check
Content Library check check (Only in Enterprise Plan)
Location Tagging check check
Instagram Collaboration Post check check
TikTok Carousel Scheduling check check
LinkedIn Carousel check (Converts images into PDF internally) check (Needs content in PDF file)
Team Collaboration
Content Approval Workflows check (Quick and Easy) check (Complicated)
Multi-User Collaboration Per Post check check
Comments on Post check check
Client Management check (Unlimited clients) check
Social Inbox check (Unified Inbox) check (Complex setup)
Reply to DMs & Comments check check
Reply to Reviews & Queries check check
Detailed Social Media Analytics check (Easy to read) check (Complicated to set up)
Post Performance check check
Custom Report Builder check check
Auto-Schedule Report Sharing to Clients check check
White Label
White Label Dashboard check check
Branded Downloadable Report check check
Priority Customer Support check check (Delayed response)
Try for Free Learn More

Hootsuite pricing has seen a lot of changes over the past few years, but at present, it comes with a lot of limitations for users.

Let us condense all the problems with the tool’s pricing structures we and many other users have observed:

  • Very limited options are available among pricing plans for users to choose from.
  • There is no way to add users to the workspace if you are on any plan other than Enterprise.
  • Users are unable to connect and manage more accounts than the plan allows. The limit is 10 for Professional and 20 accounts for Team plan. This hinders the growth and scaling of a business.
  • The Professional plan lacks team collaboration features, such as role-based access and content approval workflows.
  • Advanced reporting and social listening tools are only available as expensive add-ons or in higher-tier plans.
  • The hidden add-ons and taxes significantly add up to make the actual prices of Hootsuite much more than they are shown which might cause miscommunication.
  • Most of the flexibility of accessing the add-on features are available to the Enterprise plan users only.
  • Priority service and training are provided to Enterprise plan holders only.
  • Advanced listening and review monitoring are offered as add-ons even after buying the highest tier plan on Hootsuite.

Adewale O.

Although I do have a lot of positives to say about Hootsuite, the one pretty negative downside is the pricing tiers for the service. It is pretty expensive and might be a barrier for any company who is looking to use a management tool over using the platform provided options. If I was working independently or for a small business, I would have to use a different platform or service simply because $400 a month for 3 users is a bit much in my eyes.

Verified G2 Review

Anati Z.

The pricing can be a bit high for a personal account or smaller businesses, and the interface can feel overwhelming at first. It takes some time to learn all the features, but once you do, it’s a great tool.

Verified G2 Review

The above reasons have led marketers to select other options instead of Hootsuite. And there are a lot of social media tools readily available based on differing requirements and business sizes.

SocialPilot comes on top as a Hootsuite alternative as it does not pose the limitations that Hootsuite pricing does on users. It is a multi-faceted social media management tool with advanced features tailored perfectly to fit the needs of businesses of all sizes, including individuals, small businesses, agencies, and enterprises.

Here are some notable details about SocialPilot:

  • SocialPilot has a considerably flexible pricing structure with four plans for different business types.
  • Unlike Hootsuite, SocialPilot has complete transparency regarding its pricing plans.
  • Each pricing plan in SocialPilot allows users to connect additional social accounts within the plan criteria other than the Professional plan. In contrast, Hootsuite allows this only for its Enterprise plan.
  • With higher-tiered plans, users can add unlimited clients to the workspace without additional costs.
  • The platform offers a 14-day free trial for all of its paid pricing plans for potential users to help them make informed decisions.
  • The collaborative workflow features in SocialPilot provide an ideal stage for whole social media teams to work seamlessly at much more affordable price than in Hootsuite.
  • SocialPilot does not ask for payment information for a free trial, unlike Hootsuite.  The latter requires you to add your payment information even if you sign up for a trial.
  • The platform is user-friendly and provides excellent support through live chat, calls, emails, and social media. In comparison, Hootsuite’s support lacks efficiency, making it take longer to solve customer queries.

SocialPilot Pricing Plans

Plans Price Offer Price

$25.50/month Annually (Save 15%)

14 days Free
Small Team

$42.50/month Annually (Save 15%)

14 days Free

$85.00/month Annually (Save 15%)

14 days Free

$170.00/month Annually (Save 15%)

14 days Free


Get customized plan based on Your Requirements.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, the Hootsuite pricing structure, while providing a wide range of tools for social media management, presents several limitations that may deter potential users, especially small businesses and agencies. The cost spikes, hidden surcharges, and lack of flexibility in the Professional and Team plans make it less favourable for users who need more affordable or scalable solutions. Furthermore, the lack of advanced features, even in higher-tier plans, means that users may need to pay additional fees for vital features like social listening and advanced analytics.

SocialPilot proves to be a strong alternative to Hootsuite by offering a more cost-effective and flexible approach to social media management. With plans that accommodate additional social accounts and users without heavy surcharges, SocialPilot is ideal for businesses seeking a scalable tool without breaking the bank.

The post Hootsuite Pricing Breakdown: Is it Worth the Cost? appeared first on SocialPilot.

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