Categories Archives: Education

How to Strengthen School-Family Partnerships With Proven Strategies

[ad_1] Learning local history isn’t about fixing past wrongs, Harris said. It’s about honoring history and acknowledging harm, which builds “community credibility” and lays the groundwork for families to begin to trust schools.    Prioritize relationships Practices that are culturally responsive, collaborative and built on mutual trust are key to strengthening family engagement, according to [...]read moreHow to Strengthen School-Family Partnerships With Proven Strategies

What Is An LMS? – eLearning Industry

[ad_1] The World Of LMSs You have probably heard of a Learning Management System (LMS) if you’ve been in the realm of online learning. But what is an LMS? Basically, it’s where learning meets technology, and it helps you manage, deliver, and track all your learning activities. Whether in a school, a corporate office, or [...]read moreWhat Is An LMS? – eLearning Industry

AR And VR In Training: Their Role In Modern Programs

[ad_1] Immersive Learning: AR And VR In Training Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) revolutionize modern training programs by creating immersive and interactive learning environments. These technologies offer unparalleled opportunities for hands-on training, realistic simulations, and personalized learning experiences. Augmented Reality: Enhancing Real-World Learning AR overlays digital information onto the real world, providing learners [...]read moreAR And VR In Training: Their Role In Modern Programs

Best Practices For Your Next Course

[ad_1] How Humor Boosts eLearning Training Engagement And Retention Humor has the power to work wonders when appropriately used in eLearning training. However, when misused, it can ruin the entire experience. Humorous accents must be well-chosen and, importantly, understood by the audience as intended by the author. Poorly executed humor can be offensive, embarrassing, and [...]read moreBest Practices For Your Next Course

How To Teach Artificial Intelligence Without Technology

[ad_1] Strategies for Teaching AI Concepts Without Technology by TeachThought Staff Preface: This post is primarily for general content-area K-12 teachers (likely 6-12). Teaching AI theory, for example, is well beyond these ideas. You don’t need a wind tunnel to learn about aerodynamics or boiling water to help students understand boiling points. How you teach [...]read moreHow To Teach Artificial Intelligence Without Technology

Smart Ways To Create A High-Converting Webinar Landing Page

[ad_1] What Are The Characteristics Of A Successful Webinar Landing Page? Webinars are a powerful tool for growing your business, attracting more leads, and enhancing your thought leadership in the industry. However, creating high-quality content for your live or pre-recorded event is only half the battle. Another essential step is making sure that your webinar [...]read moreSmart Ways To Create A High-Converting Webinar Landing Page

How To Choose The Right Platform

[ad_1] How To Select The Best SCORM-Compliant LMS For Your eLearning Needs The Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a set of technical standards for eLearning software products. SCORM governs how online learning content and Learning Management Systems (LMSs) communicate with each other. Developed by the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative, SCORM ensures interoperability, [...]read moreHow To Choose The Right Platform

Mindfulness For Employee Training: Boost Employee Learning

[ad_1] Employee Learning And Training Effectiveness With Mindfulness Businesses constantly search for fresh methods to help their employees with training and with reaching their full potential. One approach that is becoming more popular is the use of mindfulness techniques for employee training. Mindfulness is all about being aware of your body, mind, and surroundings in [...]read moreMindfulness For Employee Training: Boost Employee Learning

Career Development Strategy: 6 Tips

[ad_1] 6 Tips For A Career Development Strategy Want to know the secret to developing an Olympic-level strategy and training your employees to go for the gold? The key lies in keeping an eye on L&D’s rising star: career development. To give your team the turbo boost it needs to stay motivated, break their personal [...]read moreCareer Development Strategy: 6 Tips

eBook: Build An Employee Onboarding Program With An LMS

[ad_1] What Can An LMS Bring To Your Employee Onboarding Plan? Nobody wants to endure a chaotic onboarding that leaves your employees underprepared and stressed about their first day on the job. This eBook covers all the essentials for creating a winning onboarding program with an LMS so that everyone is ready to overcome obstacles [...]read moreeBook: Build An Employee Onboarding Program With An LMS