Touchy Subjects Survey Results: The Most Difficult Subjects to Talk About…

bad relationship causesbad relationship causesIf you want to keep your love, passion and intimacy alive and growing over the years, communicating about the “tough” or “touchy” stuff has to happen.

If you don’t, resentments build and you either bicker and argue a lot over “little” things (skirting around the REAL issue) or you completely withdraw from each other, leading separate lives and possibly ending the relationship at some point.

So what are these touchy subjects?

Several years ago, we asked the women who receive our emails and newsletters to tell us and were their answers eye-opening to us!

(We realize that men have touchy subjects they are afraid to talk with their partner about as well but if you look at the results, you’ll see that their answers would probably be very similar.)

Here’s what women told us were the touchy subjects when it comes to talking to their partner…



Relationship commitment/His feelings for her–13%

Ex or friends/past relationships (his or hers)–11%

Emotional subjects (relationship or in general)–10%

Jealous feelings/him looking at other women/insecurity–9%

Infidelity (his or hers)–8%

Other topics–7%
Needs not being met
Quality time together/not enough attention
In-laws/extended family
Treated with disrespect (friends treated better)
Not mentally stimulating like used to
He’s withdrawn
Age difference

There are ways to talk about these touchy subjects that keep both of you open to connecting and finding solutions that work for each person.

Whether you’re a man or woman–If there are subjects that are holding you back from the intimacy and love that you want in your relationship, contact us here and we can help…


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