Tag: Sneaky

7 Sneaky Idols Destroying Christian Marriages Today

“Enjoy sex with your own wife. May the wife that you married when you were young continue to give you joy. May she be as pretty and beautiful as a young deer. May her breasts always make you happy. May she love you in a way that gives you joy.” (Proverbs 5:18-19) Pornography is sneaky [...]read more7 Sneaky Idols Destroying Christian Marriages Today

‘Reverse’ searches: The sneaky ways that police tap tech companies for your private data

With the aim of identifying criminal suspects, U.S. police departments are increasingly relying on a controversial surveillance practice to demand large amounts of users’ data from tech companies. So-called “reverse” searches allow law enforcement and federal agencies to force big tech companies, like Google, to turn over information from their vast stores of user data. [...]read more‘Reverse’ searches: The sneaky ways that police tap tech companies for your private data

TMZ’s Super Sneaky Easter Egg Hunt!

Ya’ll couldn’t possibly think TMZ and the Easter Bunny would let the day go by without an egg hunt just for you … Get egg-cited, because Amy Schumer is here to kick things off, and she ain’t horsin’ around … Scope out these famous Peeps … there are some hidden eggs in each photo of [...]read moreTMZ’s Super Sneaky Easter Egg Hunt!

Three Sneaky Expenses That Are Ruining Your Budget

With negative cash flow, I’ve embarked on a mission to trim unnecessary expenses from my budget. In times of surplus cash before my home purchase, I hadn’t scrutinized my expenses for years. It’s not that I was lazy about budgeting; instead, I’ve always embraced the “pay myself first and spend the rest” strategy. Each month, [...]read moreThree Sneaky Expenses That Are Ruining Your Budget

‘What The Car?’ gets ‘Sneaky Sasquatch’ themed update on Apple Arcade – TouchArcade

What The Car? () from Triband hit Apple Arcade exclusively last year, and it is due for Steam release this year. Ahead of that, the developers have released a collaboration update with one of Apple Arcade’s most famous games yet, Sneaky Sasquatch. This update, out now on Apple Arcade, includes 12 new levels, a new [...]read more‘What The Car?’ gets ‘Sneaky Sasquatch’ themed update on Apple Arcade – TouchArcade

3 Sneaky Ways Satan Tries to Harm Christian Marriages

But one whom you forgive anything, I forgive also; for indeed what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, I did it for your sakes in the presence of Christ, so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes. 2 Corinthians 2:10-11 Harboring bitterness [...]read more3 Sneaky Ways Satan Tries to Harm Christian Marriages