Tag: MetaEmotion

The Silent Killer of Relationships: The Meta-Emotion Mismatch

This article was originally posted on The Gottman Relationship Blog Does your effort to support your partner spiral into arguments?  Maybe you can relate to Elena and Tom below.  Elena: (Sighs) Today was… overwhelming. It felt like everything that could go wrong, did. Tom: At least it’s over now, right? I’m sure it’ll be better [...]read moreThe Silent Killer of Relationships: The Meta-Emotion Mismatch

Solving Meta-Emotion Mismatches

Does your effort to support your partner spiral into arguments? Maybe you can relate to Elena and Tom below. Elena: (Sighs) Today was… overwhelming. It felt like everything that could go wrong, did. Tom: At least it’s over now, right? I’m sure it’ll be better tomorrow. Elena: (Feeling misunderstood). It’s not just about having a [...]read moreSolving Meta-Emotion Mismatches