Tag: Learning

LTEM And Action Mapping For Business-Driven Learning

Splash Hot Sauce On L&D And Turn ThešŸ”„Up To 11… While traveling in the lush paradise of Costa Rica, where zesty hot sauce is as ubiquitous as the tropical sunshine, I stumbled on an insightful LinkedIn comment that sparked my interest in the Learning Transfer Evaluation Model (LTEM) and action mapping. Just as the local [...]read moreLTEM And Action Mapping For Business-Driven Learning

Enterprise Learning Management System: Enhancing Training

Remote And Hybrid Training: Enterprise LMS As remote and hybrid work models become the new norm, the need for effective employee training and development has never been greater. An enterprise Learning Management System (LMS) is critical for organizations looking to ensure that their workforce remains engaged, skilled, and aligned with business goals, regardless of where [...]read moreEnterprise Learning Management System: Enhancing Training

AI-Powered Corporate Learning: Benefits And Limitations

AI-Powered Corporate Learning: Benefits And Challenges AI-powered learning is rapidly transforming corporate training and development, offering innovative solutions to enhance employee skills and knowledge. By leveraging Artificial Intelligence in corporate training, organizations can create personalized, efficient, and scalable learning experiences. However, the integration of AI in corporate learning also presents several challenges. This article delves [...]read moreAI-Powered Corporate Learning: Benefits And Limitations

How Mobile Learning Platforms Are Shaping Employee Skills

Mobile Learning For Faster Skill Development More than 66% of people use smartphones regularly, and for the most of them it’s a primary way to access the internet and interact with content, making it a large trend. Therefore, mobile learning is a powerful tool to enhance skill learning in different areas. As we’ll see, its [...]read moreHow Mobile Learning Platforms Are Shaping Employee Skills

Considerations For A Responsible GenAI Learning Strategy

GenAI: Balancing The Need For Caution With The Pressure To Adopt First of all, let’s address the elephant in the room: Will genAI make L&D departments (and professionals) obsolete? We’re inclined to agree with our Magic 8 Ball: Very doubtful. We’re optimistic about our fellow L&D practitioners’ ability to adapt and upskill to this new [...]read moreConsiderations For A Responsible GenAI Learning Strategy

In A Lonely World, Social Learning Is More Effective Than Ever

Searching For Connection This is an article about social learningā€”and it’s upbeat and optimistic. Promise. But please indulge a short pit stop into the land of heavy real talk. Just for a moment. Here goes. WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok, Zoom, Teams, Slack, and Reddit make it extremely easy to feel “connected” all the time. But rather [...]read moreIn A Lonely World, Social Learning Is More Effective Than Ever

How To Assess The Impact Of Learning In The Flow Of Work

Optimizing Employee Productivity And Performance With LIFOW Learning in the flow of work (LIFOW) transforms learning by integrating it into daily workflows, enabling organizations to boost productivity and performance while achieving strategic goals more efficiently. Here’s how. Seamless Integration Point-of-need accessibility: Learning resources are instantly available within the tools employees already use, enabling skill-based organizations [...]read moreHow To Assess The Impact Of Learning In The Flow Of Work

Compliance In Digital Learning: Playing By The Rules Is Best

Essential Role Of Compliance In Digital Learning Digital learning platforms are powering participants in the education sector to transcend the boundaries of time and space and meet new challenges. Compliance in digital learning is possibly the biggest challenge, given how regulations vary widely across states and countries. The differing priorities of regional authorities make compliance [...]read moreCompliance In Digital Learning: Playing By The Rules Is Best

Equity In Online Learning Spaces: Minimizing Gaps

Establishing Equity In Online Learning Spaces: Strategies And Practices It is important to recognize that online learning can be effective in advancing student equity by providing students with instructional opportunities that weren’t previously available to them. The lack of qualified teachers in many schools (especially those in high-poverty areas) makes it difficult for students to [...]read moreEquity In Online Learning Spaces: Minimizing Gaps

AI In STEM Education: Transforming Learning

Enhancing STEM Education With AI In The Classroom Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept but a present-day reality transforming numerous global sectors including education. In STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, AI is poised to revolutionize how subjects are taught and learned, making learning more interactive, personalized, and effective. This article [...]read moreAI In STEM Education: Transforming Learning