Tag: healthshots

Does PCOS affect your sex life?

PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome can cause your hormones to go out of whack, which can hamper your sex life! Here’s how PCOS affects your sex life and what you can do about it. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is the most common endocrine disorder seen in young women. It is characterised by irregular periods [...]read moreDoes PCOS affect your sex life?

Can obesity affect libido? | HealthShots

Are you overweight and not able to enjoy your sex life like you should? Here’s how obesity affects libido and what you can do about it. Obesity or being overweight is often used synonymously with “unhealthy”. While the talk around body positivity has made people overcome the adversity these labels used to place on them, [...]read moreCan obesity affect libido? | HealthShots

5 side effects of lubricants used during sex

While lubricants are supposed to make your sex life smooth, there are certain side effects of lubricants that you should be aware of. Lubricants are used to reduce friction during sexual activity, enhancing comfort and pleasure. They provide essential moisture, especially when natural lubrication is insufficient, and help reduce discomfort and irritation. However, choosing the [...]read more5 side effects of lubricants used during sex

6 things to remember about first sex after pregnancy

Do you get scared every time your partner asks you to have sex after pregnancy? Well, delivering a baby doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy your sex life. But keep these 6 things in mind before you resume having sex. Whether you have had a cesarean delivery or natural, it is very crucial to be mindful [...]read more6 things to remember about first sex after pregnancy

5 ways childhood trauma affects adult sex life

A traumatic childhood experience may have effects on your sexual health. Read on to know how childhood trauma affects adult sex life. Be it emotional, physical or sexual abuse as a kid or growing up in a home with violence or insecurity due to parent’s divorce, traumatic childhood experiences may have lasting effects on your [...]read more5 ways childhood trauma affects adult sex life

Low sex drive in women: Top signs and causes

Have you been experiencing a lack of sexual desire in your relationship? If yes, here are the common causes of low sex drive in women you must know! If you have been in a relationship long enough, you know how long the “honeymoon period” lasts – not too long! While the debate around female pleasure [...]read moreLow sex drive in women: Top signs and causes

Can birth control pills affect sex drive?

Are you taking birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? It may increase or decrease your libido. Here’s how birth control pills can affect your sex drive. Many women take birth control pills, which is a form of hormonal contraception taken orally to prevent pregnancy. They contain two hormones, estrogen and progestin, or sometimes just progestin. [...]read moreCan birth control pills affect sex drive?

6 stretches for better sex

If you have been looking for ways to level up your sex life, try incorporating these stretches into your daily routine! Do you spend most of your day hunching over your laptop? If that’s pretty much what you do every day, you might be putting your sex life at risk! Turns out, a sedentary lifestyle [...]read more6 stretches for better sex

Vaginal swelling after rough sex is common: Tips to handle it

Vaginal swelling is a common side effect of having rough sex. Here’s why it happens and other causes of vaginal swelling you must know. For some, rough sex adds a bit of a thrill to their sexual experience. While it can be fun, rough sex may not be the best for the health of your [...]read moreVaginal swelling after rough sex is common: Tips to handle it

6 side effects of smoking on sexual health

Smoking and sexual health are connected. If you smoke regularly, you may experience a number of problems related to your sexual health. Smoking can affect both men and women. It has long been recognised as a major risk factor for a myriad of health issues, including cardiovascular diseases and various cancers. However, one aspect often [...]read more6 side effects of smoking on sexual health