Tag: Eating

Mindful Eating for Emotional Wellness: How to Use Mindfulness to Cope with Stress, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

As a mindfulness-based registered dietitian with a decade of experience, I have seen the transformative power of mindful eating in improving emotional wellness with my clients. Stress, anxiety, and other emotions can often lead to unhealthy eating habits that may exacerbate mental health issues. In this article, I will discuss how mindful eating can help [...]read moreMindful Eating for Emotional Wellness: How to Use Mindfulness to Cope with Stress, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

8 Signs Your Body Says You’re Not Eating Enough

Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms your body uses to communicate to you that you aren’t eating enough. Stress, busy schedules, illnesses, grief, and the hustle and bustle of everyday life can take a toll on us. More specifically, our appetites and the way our bodies regulate hunger. This can often lead to us [...]read more8 Signs Your Body Says You’re Not Eating Enough