Tag: design

User-Centric Design In eLearning Apps: Enhance Engagement

Importance Of User-Centric Design In Mobile eLearning Apps Did you know? More than 87% of people wouldn’t want to return to a website if they had a bad User Experience (UX) the first time. Well, that’s how important user-centered design (UCD) is in an app or a website! Since the use of mobile apps are [...]read moreUser-Centric Design In eLearning Apps: Enhance Engagement

Atomic Design For eLearning – eLearning Industry

Building Flexible And Accessible LMS Templates As learning experience designers, administrators, and project leads, we often struggle with a common challenge: creating Learning Management System (LMS) templates that are both consistent and flexible enough to accommodate diverse teaching styles and learning needs. This challenge is particularly acute when managing multiple large LMSs with various designers [...]read moreAtomic Design For eLearning – eLearning Industry

HI + AI In Learning Strategy And Design

HI + AI In L&D: A Perfect Partnership? Is it likely that over time training deliverables will become more and more AI-driven and AI developed? Our experts say yes, but that won’t eliminate the need for human expertise. We spoke with Adrián Soto, SweetRush’s Director of Emerging Technologies and Emily Dale, Immersive Learning Strategist at SweetRush, [...]read moreHI + AI In Learning Strategy And Design

Need To Help People Change? Build This Into Your L&D Design

Navigating Change Within Your Organization Change: It is indeed a constant and, for most people, a constant source of pain. But with the right learning approach, we can ensure that our learning enables change and help our people adapt more quickly to changes at work. One of the reasons that change is so hard for [...]read moreNeed To Help People Change? Build This Into Your L&D Design

The Ultimate Guide to Email Design and 13 Best Practices


As a new marketing assistant, I once created an email campaign for our biggest product launch. Despite spending hours crafting the seemingly “perfect” message, the next day's analytics showed dismal open and click-through rates.


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Kurt Geiger expands Business by Design Academy

Kurt Geiger, the £500 million premium shoes-to-bags empire, has expanded its “groundbreaking” Business by Design Academy (BBD).  Kurt Geiger The move follows the “overwhelming success and demand in its inaugural year”. So it has launched the application process for year two, “offering a second wave of fabulous opportunities for London’s young creative talent”.  Applications are [...]read moreKurt Geiger expands Business by Design Academy

X Previews Haptic Design Updates, Including Post and Video Controls

Elon Musk has always preferred minimalist design, with as many buttons and controls hidden as possible, leaving a more sleek and simplistic appearance. That’s the approach that he’s taken at his other companies, so it should come as no surprise to see that Musk is also looking to implement a more stripped-back design ethos at [...]read moreX Previews Haptic Design Updates, Including Post and Video Controls

The 13 Best Free Graphic Design Software for Marketers and Beginners

When it comes to website success, what you see is what you get. If the budget is tight or non-existent, free graphic design software can make a real impact on how you present yourself in digital spaces. As an admittedly lousy product photographer, please believe me when I say that graphic design software is a [...]read moreThe 13 Best Free Graphic Design Software for Marketers and Beginners

The 23 Best Graphic Design Portfolios I’ve Ever Seen, & How to Start Your Own

A great graphic design portfolio doesn’t do the work for you, but as an ever-running marketing tool, it can change your life by reeling in new opportunities. AI-generated design as well as online design platforms like Canva are impacting graphic design hiring, making your portfolio more important than ever before. So whether you‘re a full-time [...]read moreThe 23 Best Graphic Design Portfolios I’ve Ever Seen, & How to Start Your Own