Tag: Constructivism

The Difference Between Constructivism And Constructionism –

The Difference Between Constructivism And Constructionism by Terry Heick While working on the learning theory visual overview, I realized I couldn’t clearly explain the difference between constructivism and constructionism. So I did a little research and initially didn’t find much to ease my confusion. The Difference Between Constructivism And Constructionism Constructivism is–more or less–the same [...]read moreThe Difference Between Constructivism And Constructionism –

Constructivism In eLearning: Building Knowledge

Constructivist Theory And Learning Design In the realm of learning theories, constructivism is linked to and developed from cognitivism—shifting the focus from passive absorption to active construction of knowledge. Essentially, constructivism is the theory that learners construct knowledge themselves rather than just passively taking in information. New information is assessed and builds on what they [...]read moreConstructivism In eLearning: Building Knowledge

What Is Cognitive Constructivism? –

Learning theory isn’t generally high on the list of practicing teachers. For starters, teachers are busy poring over the classic–or emerging–learning theories that can inform their teaching on a day-to-day basis. Secondly, much of K-12 pedagogy in the United States is subject to the constraints of academic standards, district pacing guides, curriculum maps, etc. Accordingly, [...]read moreWhat Is Cognitive Constructivism? –