Tag: Alien

10 Years Later, Alien: Isolation Still Looks Incredible

In celebration of the seminal sci-fi horror movie Alien’s 45th anniversary, Ridley Scott’s film is back in movie theaters. I saw it over the weekend, and even though it’s a movie I’ve seen countless times —on a laptop, on a plane, and on the TV, this was my first time seeing it on the big [...]read more10 Years Later, Alien: Isolation Still Looks Incredible

How a South African village turned an alien tree into superfood coffee | Food

Calvinia, South Africa – It’s 7:30am on a Monday and there’s already a queue of about 40 men, women and children against the wall of the still-locked warehouse. March temperatures in the South African backwater of Calvinia, some 430 kilometres (267 miles) north of Cape Town, average 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit) – but [...]read moreHow a South African village turned an alien tree into superfood coffee | Food

Farting Alien Support Group – The TouchArcade Show #586 – TouchArcade

In this week’s episode of The TouchArcade Show we kick things off with the drama bomb of the week: Apple getting sued by the US of A! Is it justified? Is Apple in the wrong or is the US government overstepping its grounds? We talk about it. Then we dip into the Playdate’s latest killer [...]read moreFarting Alien Support Group – The TouchArcade Show #586 – TouchArcade