Sun into Scorpio – Season of Divine Alchemy
Sun into Scorpio – Season of Divine Alchemy

The Sun enters Scorpio, and we dive deeply into the mystical realms, connect to the ancestors, and see the truth behind the shadows. As the Sun traverses the sign of fixed water, this season allows you to immerse yourself in the deeper truths of life, the astral realms and hidden corners not normally brought to light.
Scorpio is the eighth sign and it governs intimacy and deep relationships. How do we navigate those currents that flow in our partnerships and intimate relationships? The suppressed emotions that bubble up once the masks have come off. The hidden trauma, habitual reactions, power struggles and emotional dramas. This is Scorpio’s terrain.
Pluto ruled Scorpio is concerned with survival, which can be ruthless at times. To a Sun in Scorpio, life is often perceived as a battle field. This can lead to power struggles in relationships; with the need to survive and the need to be right overshadowing the core reason for relationship, which should be unity. The beloved can become the enemy, when the lower astral takes over. The task of Scorpio is to recognise and own all the lower instincts, primal urges, and defensive reactions that stem from the enemy within.
As the Sun moves through Scorpio, we naturally see deeper into life with a probing vision that reveals hidden mysteries. If you look and allow yourself to see, you can easily see where people are coming from, what their agendas are, what is driving them, and the truth of their intentions. This sign brings the power to view beneath emotional armour, at the emotional waters and astral nature, and see what is really going on. Most people are too distracted to do this, as the pace of life makes it difficult for them to find silence. Many are always rushing around, and immersing themselves in entertainment and smartphones that never allow the mind to be still.
Scorpio is the sign of alchemy, and it is here that we transmute the base metal of the lower self and bring the darkness to light. Shadows must be acknowledged, accepted, and transformed into fresh energy. The darkness is where our power lies, as vast amounts of energy are locked up in buried traumas, untapped potential and ignorance of the light. This is the hidden treasure of the soul. The name Pluto means riches, and the mineral wealth hidden in the core of the earth. Like the god of the underworld, we must mine for deep treasure, owning and claiming these rich reserves within.
As we approach Samhain /Halloween, we enter the time of the ancestors. All over the world, this time of year is a time to honour the dead. In Tibet, the month of October is the month of prayers for the deceased. As the veils grow thin, you may be visited by your ancestors, and you may receive messages and guidance. It is important to offer gratitude, and acknowledge the struggles your ancestors went through, just so you could be here. You are the flower of your ancestral line. Their wisdom and support is available to you if you align with it.
This year the New Moon in Scorpio is on 1 November, which is the Day of the Dead in Mexico. This is Lunar Samhain – the true Halloween. The new moon coincides with Samhain on 31 October and the Day of the Dead on 1 November, so this will be an extra potent time in all ways. The Sun and Moon at 9* Scorpio and a mystic rectangle in the sky indicate a truly powerful portal. The New Moon in Scorpio is of course Diwali in the Hindu tradition, the Festival of Lights, which honours the light coming out of the darkness. Many celebrations will be going on in this window of time, and many blessings can be generated.
On 3 November there is an exact Mars Pluto opposition. These two rulers of Scorpio have been facing off for some time. Mars is the mundane ruler of Scorpio, and also the soul ruler. Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio, since its discovery. When Mars and Pluto oppose each other, it brings challenges with the power struggles inherent in this sign. This influence can lead to conflict, opposition, deadlock and impasse. These two planets harbour huge reserves of energy, and in aspect together they produce great amounts of tension. This is a highly charged, tightly wound, energised time and it can also generate powerful sexual chemistry and attraction.
On 5 November, Venus reaches the Heart Chakra gate on her journey of the Ascent of Inanna. As the Leo Goddess she is helping us to reclaim our sovereignty and inner light, regardless of externals. After the powerful new moon of Samhain /Diwali; and the Mars Pluto opposition; all that has been brought to light and alchemised in the deep waters of Scorpio can be integrated into the sacred portal of the heart.
This is the season of shadow work, and the only way around is through. You have to be “in it” to win the alchemist’s gold and emerge triumphant from the battleground of the lower astral.
The symbol of Scorpio is the scorpion, which holds poison in its tail that can be unleashed. These are the unprocessed toxins of the lower astral. As long as you avoid the work, these toxins will inevitably be unleashed on others. When you have transformed the poisons within yourself, you develop Vision, the quality of the Eagle, a higher symbol of Scorpio. With your eagle eyes you can view the astral realms from above, and see the truth of people and situations. As you continue to work diligently with your vision and alchemy, you eventually become the Phoenix, rising above any experience of tragedy or loss, realising Spirit to be stronger than any earthly desire.
May you rise like the Phoenix, working magical alchemy, transforming the lower nature with the Divine Fire of Spirit
Samhain – Day of the Dead – Deepavali Blessings
Artwork: Goddess Lakshmi by Solreta Antaria