A great one for anybody looking to give up something. Whether it be smoking, sugar, alcohol or coffee get people to support you in your endeavour and raise money while you’re at it. Why not make it oral health themed and quit snacking or sugar in your tea and coffee for a month to start with and help keep your smile healthy.

What you need

  • A social media account (Twitter or Facebook). This helps more people find out about what you’re doing and why. Take advantage of your reach on social media, encourage friends and family to like and share your posts with their followers and hopefully you’ll find more people that want to support your cause.

Steps to start your pledge

  • Decide what you want to give up or achieve.
  • Use your sponsorship form to get people to show their support for you.
  • Tell us about your event though our ‘Create a fundraising event‘ page so we can help maximise your sponsorship and achieve your goal. It works just like any other fundraising site that you may have come across in the past. It will tell people all about what your doing and there’s a form they can fill out to donate.
  • Event time; get someone to take lots of pictures which you can share online or send to us so we can share with our fundraising community.

Useful links: