S2 – Ep 24 – Sun into Capricorn, Venus in Pisces and New Moon in Capricorn: New ideas, intentions, and restoration
S2 – Ep 24 – Sun into Capricorn, Venus in Pisces and New Moon in Capricorn: New ideas, intentions, and restoration
This episode will cover the end of December and beginning of January. Kelly will be travelling next week to visit family in Australia. The Sun will enter Capricorn on December 21st. There will be a New Moon in Capricorn on December 30th. Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn will connect in late December and the New Year will start with a shift of Venus into Pisces. Tune into this episode for all of the astro weather during this end of year / beginning of year time frame.
In her next live webinar, Kelly will share all about the major astrological influences, events, and cycles of 2025. This 90-minute webinar takes place on January 4. Don’t worry if you can’t make the live webinar. Everyone who signs up will be provided a link to access a recording of the video and slides. Click here for all the details.
Show Notes:
Hi There and welcome back to another episode of the Kelly’s astrology podcast.
In today’s show I’m going to take a look at some of the astrology highlights for the two week period starting December 21.
There probably won’t be an episode next week as I’ll be travelling to visit family in Australia.
Capricorn season starts on the 21st, which is secretly one of my favorite times of year.
In terms of the top level astrology you need to know as 2024 winds down, there is a New Moon in Capricorn on December 30, the shift of Venus into Pisces on January 2, which is one of my personal highlights for January 2025. I’m also going to touch on a pattern forming involving Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn that will form from Dec 24 – 27 too.
Before we get further into the current astrology, I want to let you know about my next live webinar, which is all about the astrology of 2025. This astrology webinar will happen on January 4. In it I’ll be sharing all about the major astrology events of the year ahead. If you’d like insight into what 2025 might have in store, I hope you can join us! Even if you can’t make the live recording, everyone who registers will receive the video and slide recordings.
For more details or to sign up, pop over to www.kellysastrology.com
Ok, so let’s get into it,
On Dec 24 Jupiter and Saturn will form their second square aspect. This pattern activates longer cycles and invites consideration of more major restructuring and refocussing in your life.
Mercury getting in the mix in this final week of December, via an opposition to Jupiter on the 26th and then a square to Saturn on the 27th, feels to me like sorting out logistics, plans and schedules based on these new dreams and goals.
Jupiter square Saturn is a wonderful aspect for consolidating your focus around 1 or 2 big initiatives, and stepping away from a bunch of smaller commitments or duties. You might find you’re desperate to reclaim time or energy or you realise that you’re over capacity and things have to give.
Important discussions and new ideas can help inspire a different kind of vision for your life, during this last week of December. As long time listeners know, anytime Saturn is in the mix, priorities and limits become important, as does scaling down and refocussing. You might find you can be more clear about what matters to you, or where your limits are.
Missing or new information might also emerge that helps with decision making too. I expect that as we come back from the holidays there will be lots of announcements about new commitments and a change in direction for 2025, both for regular people like you and I, and for public figures too.
New Moon
I love that December will end with a New Moon in Capricorn. A new Moon is a much more energetically alive time to set intentions or make future plans than January 1, and this New Moon, at 9 Capricorn on December 30 is perfect for clarifying goals.
The New Moon in Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, who will form a sextile to the New Moon from its place in Pisces, helping provide support, like strength, fortitude and a sense of worthiness to help you make the right intentions for you.
This New Moon in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn in Pisces, offers a lovely mix of earth and water elemental energy.
This can help with exploring a more reasonable or slower pace, and might invite you to consider your feelings as well as your emotional capacity in your planning process, rather than just focussing on how much time you do or don’t have. Just because you can schedule something won’t always mean you should.
The one to two days following the New Moon are also wonderful for activating your future vision, talking about your ideas and intentions and putting together a new kind of schedule or pattern for yourself.
Saturn in Pisces has a lot to offer about being intentional and that thoughtful consideration can come through strongly under this stable and supported New Moon.
Venus into Pisces
Finally, as we head into January, I am thrilled to report Venus will move into Pisces, the sign of her exaltation, on January 2 or 3, depending on where you are. While Venus does have a retrograde cycle coming up in March, for most of January Venus is in Pisces and not in her shadow zone, so we really have the best of this kind, inspired and compassionate placement to enjoy all through January.
Venus in Pisces feels like being nourished or replenished, deep in your soul. You might enjoy interactions that lift your spirits, or reconnect with hobbies or activities that just feel good. For me, I’ve recently remembered how much I love cooking food for other people and I’m delighting in either hosting friends or baking treats to share.
Venus in Pisces might reignite your love of spirituality and all kinds of mystical practices. If you’ve been lacking that touch of the divine in your life, Venus in Pisces throughout January will be a wonderful transit to reconnect with any kind of ritual or mystical practical you enjoy.
So there are a few astro events to keep in mind over these next couple of weeks – Jupiter square Saturn with the addition of Mercury and major overhauls to your focus and priorities, a soulful and grounding New Moon in Capricorn to help you get clear on your intentions and the shift of Venus into Pisces helping add sweetness, ease and a little more joy to your life.
I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a meaningful start to the New Year.
If you need more astro insights, I share even more insights and detail inside my astrology guide membership – you can find out more or join us there via kellysastrology.com
Thank you so much for being part of the Kelly’s astrology podcast this year, I’m excited to continue sharing with you as 2025 unfolds,
Until then, take care