Reduce Travel: Reduce Travel, Wear Warm Clothes, Says Health Dept | Gurgaon News

Gurgaon: The health department on Monday issued a cold wave advisory in the city, asking people to minimise travel, wear layered woollen clothes and check for frostbite as the minimum temperature dropped below 5 degrees Celsius.
All health institutions, including public and private hospitals, were directed to be vigilant and make necessary arrangements for patients suffering from the cold wave.
The advisory talks about what people need to do before they leave their homes in the morning, how to prepare for a cold day and the dos and don’ts for such weather conditions.
Before leaving for work people are advised to listen to the radio, watch TV, or read newspapers for local weather forecasts to know if a cold day is predicted, it is also advisable to stock adequate winter clothing.
“Take care of senior citizens and children and check on neighbours who live alone. Do not burn coal indoors to generate heat — closed spaces could be dangerous as it can produce carbon monoxide which is very poisonous. Watch out for symptoms of frostbite like numbness, white or pale appearance on finger, toe, ear lobes and the tip of the nose, while exposed to cold waves,” said Dr Virender Yadav, chief medical officer, Gurgaon.

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