Ori Devs Showcase New Direction With No Rest For The Wicked Trailer

Moon Studios has released the launch trailer for No Rest for the Wicked, showcasing its art style, gameplay, and story.

What’s immediately apparent is how different the art direction for No Rest for the Wicked is compared to the Ori series. The new game has a more gothic inspiration as opposed to Ori’s more cartoonish art style. Instead of being a 2D platformer and cute creatures like Ori, No Rest for the Wicked is a 3D action RPG from a top down perspective.

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Now Playing: No Rest for the Wicked – Official Steam Early Access Launch Trailer

Looking at the gameplay, players will be able to fight against monsters, big and small, with a variety of weapons such as bows and swords. No Rest for the Wicked is set in the year 841 and follows a member of a group called Cerim, a group of mystical holy warriors with magical powers. With these powers, players must fight against the Pestilence, an unholy plague, and Madrigal Seline, a ruthless church figure who aims to weaponize the plague to prove herself to her god.

No Rest for the Wicked enters Early Access on April 18 on PC. Once the game reaches 1.0 status, both PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S versions are planned for release. While Moon Studios is best known for the Ori series, the third game isn’t currently in development–at least not yet.

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