Offers Added to Ad Sources

Offers Added to Ad Sources

Meta is rolling out Offers…

No, not those Offers. This isn’t 2012, or whenever it was the original Offers was launched. Meta loves recycling old terminology.

This is new, I promise.

How It Works

Offers are found in Ad Sources. Not everyone has it yet, but if you do, you should see it directly above Site Links.


“Adding offers will display discounts and promo codes along with your ad creative when we think they are likely to increase performance.”


You can add offers by percentage or cash discount.


You also have the options of adding a promo code and the dates the offer is valid.


Preview and Approach

Unfortunately, I’m not seeing a way to preview how these offers will look on your ad. I expected to find the preview with Advantage+ Creative, since that’s where you can find Site Links.

Site Links

Offers are still very new, so I’m sure we’ll see a preview soon.

Use Offers to highlight your sales, either with or without discount codes. Just know that this offer needs to be related to wherever you’re sending people with your ad. This is my assumption since you won’t provide a link with your Offer.

Have you used Offers yet?

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