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National Smile Month: Nominate a Smile

GetImageEmail us a photo and a short description of someone that you think deserves to win a special prize for their good deeds.

Make someone’s day by nominating them for a special National Smile Month prize

This is your chance to nominate someone who has done something amazing in the community. We’re looking for people who go the extra mile to bring a smile to a person’s face.

We want to hear about people in your team, the public, family members, someone from the community and patients – anybody who you think deserves to be nominated for doing something special or always brightens up your day.

Throughout National Smile Month we will be selecting a winner each week to receive a special prize.

Taking inspiration from last year’s winners

As part of last year’s National Smile Month, we recognised three truly extraordinary people. Below is a collage of last year’s winners – island dentist Dr Michael Twamley (top-left), Supernanny Fabiana Madeira (bottom-left), and keen stable volunteer Libby (right).


For more information about last year’s winners check out their write-ups below:

If you know somebody who has been an inspiration to yourself, or others, we’d love to hear from you. 

How to nominate

Send a picture of your chosen nominee along with a brief description of why they deserves to be one of the faces of National Smile Month 2024. Please also include their age and where they’re from.

Send your entries to us at [email protected] and include “Nominate A Smile” in the subject.

Or share your nominee with us on Twitter and Facebook using #NominateASmile.

Entries close on 19th May 2024.

Go on, give us a smile!

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