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National Smile Month

National Smile Month is a charity campaign all about championing the benefits of having good oral health and promoting the value of a healthy smile.

Between 13 May and 13 June 2024, the Oral Health Foundation will be raising awareness of important health issues and ready to put a smile on everybody’s face.

We want you to join us and make a positive difference to the oral health of millions of people.

Why your support is needed

Maintaining a healthy smile can be simple but for so many this can be very difficult.

Despite the many improvements in oral health over the last 40 years, inequalities continue to be a burden for countless individuals.

By supporting National Smile Month, you will be able to help us reach groups where oral disease is far too common.

National Smile Month is your chance to reach people in the heart of your community. Help others achieve better oral health by sharing important oral health messages.

Key messages for great oral health

During National Smile Month, we are promoting four key messages for better oral health:

  • Brush teeth for two minutes, last thing at night and one other time during the day, with a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Clean between your teeth with interdental brushes or floss, and use mouthwash every day.
  • Cut down how much and how often you have sugary foods and drinks.
  • Visit a dentist regularly.

No matter how you decide to support the campaign, please make sure you help us communicate these important messages.

Creating happier, healthier smiles

We believe that everybody deserves a healthy smile. A person’s oral health is a crucial part of their overall wellbeing.

That’s why, after nearly 50 years, our charity continues to provide oral health support and help to anybody who needs it.

Our activities and programmes, including National Smile Month, help some of the most vulnerable members of society. These can make a real difference to a person’s oral health. Supporting healthier lives through better oral health reflects everything that we do.

Help us achieve our goal of living in a world where everybody has a healthy mouth.

Pledge your support and let us keep in touch

By subscribing to the Oral Health Foundation, you will receive our campaign updates, including new resources, events and activities.

We will also be able to let you know about any exciting news from our charity.

Let’s get connected!

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