MoxiPresent Is A Flexible Real Estate Storyteller: Tech Review

Proptech journalist Craig Rowe reviews MoxiPresent by MoxiWorks, a CMA builder and presentation marketing solution for the real estate industry.

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MoxiPresent is software for building CMAs and marketing presentationsPlatforms: Web; mobile responsive

Ideal for: All agents, teams, brokerages

Top selling points:

• Highly flexible
• Easy import of comps/property data
• Trend reports/charts
• Net proceeds view
• Intuitive creation/management

Top concern(s):

MoxiPresent can be used alone without other components of the company’s platform, but concern about being upsold to adopt other Moxi products could dissuade some from using it.

What you should know

MoxiPresent is a presentation application to be used in building CMAs, buyer presentations and other forms of persuasive consumer-facing content decks. Importing property data is as easy as knowing its MLS ID, and comps are automatically offered based on the subject’s location. They can be removed and others can be manually added, and it’s easy to add adjustments as required.

All presentation types are content-flexible, and the UX stays on the sideline, never overwhelming the creative process. Included are pages that can support graphs of market and trends data (scattergraphs!), maps, rich content and even a net proceeds page that cleanly breaks the settlement details, a nice touch for any buyer or seller to see what lies ahead on the money front.

This page also clearly shows the agent’s fees, offering a good opportunity to chat with your prospective client about what they may be paying, and to whom it’s going. Transparency is a good thing.

MoxiPresent Is A Flexible Real Estate Storyteller Tech Review

You can add video, Matterport URLs, unique web pages, documents, images and any form of content you may like on demand, as well as edit comps live while presenting. There’s a totally custom text creation and WYSIWYG editor, too.

The software never bullies one to add more than what’s needed, however, so if you need something professional but simple, MoxiPresent defaults to that. It’s a great reflection of the idea that substance should trump style.

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Assuming one has used even the most rudimentary presentation software, there’s little to be anxious about when diving into MoxiPresent. It’s easy to adjust your comps view to compare sold to sold, pending to pending, and so forth.

Pages can be saved for re-use, as can fully branded brokerage and team templates, and are easily managed for access privileges and usage metrics.

Remember, too, that MoxiPresent decks are fully responsive up and down, fully functional on mobile or giant OLED screens in conference rooms or seller living spaces.

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Custom pages are a good tool for marketing teams to use. They can build out specific brand or team content, city detail pages, bios, community summaries and other regional selling points that can be saved and imported as needed.

I’d also use MoxiPresent to promote open houses before and during by broadcasting cool neighborhood highlights and market trends on the seller’s television, or on iPads stationed around the house. Get creative.

To explain my above concern a little more clearly, I worry about new customers thinking they’ll eventually be hit with some sort of block or limit on functionality as a result of not using MoxiEngage, for example, or MoxiBalance or whatever. That isn’t the case, but it’s a stigma that hangs over all of these notable software companies, like Lone Wolf and Inside Real Estate.

There’s the general idea that with that size and functionality come higher costs. I know this because I get asked about software a lot by readers, and this is a common refrain.

If you can get over that, you’ll find in MoxiPresent an easy, creative and unobtrusive tool for demonstrating your value. Its flexibility and low on-ramp to adoption make it a strong contender in this category. This makes sense given the company’s creative roots.

Have a technology product you would like to discuss? Email Craig Rowe

Craig C. Rowe started in commercial real estate at the dawn of the dot-com boom, helping an array of commercial real estate companies fortify their online presence and analyze internal software decisions. He now helps agents with technology decisions and marketing through reviewing software and tech for Inman.

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