LinkedIn Adds Dynamic UTM Parameters to Campaign Tracking

LinkedIn is rolling out a new way to track ad campaign performance, with the addition of dynamic UTM parameters, which will enable marketers to include custom tracking elements in their campaign URLs.

LinkedIn UTMs

Dynamic UTMs, which are already available via many platforms and third party tools, enable simple tracking of the origin of a click. And now, you’ll be able to use them in your LinkedIn marketing efforts as well.

As explained by LinkedIn:

Marketers – only one time per campaign – will add a dynamic UTM parameter to their campaign and then we’ll automatically pull in the account, campaign and/or creative name into the destination URL so it can be picked up by analytics tools, allowing marketers to more easily analyze results.

LinkedIn will enable marketers to use both static and dynamic parameters in their UTM elements, in order to expand your info tracking.

LinkedIn UTMs

The process, while a fairly simple tracking measure, also doesn’t use third-party cookies or IP addresses, so you can track more response data while aligning with evolving privacy shifts.

It’s a good addition for LinkedIn campaigns, which will provide more ways to measure specific campaign performance. And while UTM parameters are nothing new, the fact that you can now use them in your LinkedIn campaigns is a significant step.

LinkedIn says that Dynamic UTMs will be available, globally, in English by the end of March 2024.

You can learn more about LinkedIn’s new dynamic UTM parameters here.

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