1.To carry the company s brand name to the market. Their actions will reflect on the image of the company.
2.To increase the profitability of the company, by aiming to sell the products at a higher margin ( a well- educated B- school grad is not required to sell a product at a much lower price).
3.Act a liaison between the management and the customers and try to meet the expectations of both of them.
4.Co-ordinate the entire sales activity from order intake till delivery.
5.Constant feedback to the management from the market and decide on future strategy.
6.Explore the whole steel market to look at opportunities.
7.Be dynamic and establish contacts and build credibility with Steel mills (source)
8.Develop customers and gain their confidence
9.Create value addition to act in between the producer and consumer
10.Ensure revenue generation with fewer risks.
11.Gauge the trustworthiness of both producer and consumer before financing a deal.