id Software 33rd Anniversary Stream Featuring John Romero, Carmack, Tom Hall, and Former TouchArcade Author David L Craddock Now Available – TouchArcade

Back in December 2023, id Software’s DOOM ($4.99) celebrated its 30th anniversary. To celebrate it, the legendary John Romero and John Carmack got together for a live stream moderated by former TouchArcade author and now documentary maker, author of many books, and more David L Craddock to discuss DOOM, QUAKE, Wolfenstein and more. Now, id Software is celebrating its 33rd anniversary, and David has hosted another livestream featuring both Johns and also Tom Hall who has done so much good for gaming over the years across id Software. The stream is over an hour long, and like the DOOM one, it is absolutely worth your time if you’re a fan of id Software. Watch the stream in its entirety on YouTube below:

While not focused on DOOM only, this stream covers many topics including how John Carmack, Romero, and Tom Hall worked at id, handled game development situations, discusses various games id worked on, and so much more. As a huge fan of all the folks in the stream, it was amazing. I hope we get many more of these stream discussions hosted by David. I would also love to learn even more about Commander Keen, Wolfenstein 3D, DOOM and much more. If you’ve played games by id Software or even newer games by the folks featured here, I’m curious what your favorite is from the long history. I hope we get some news for the current id Software’s next game soon because it has been a while since DOOM Eternal. Until then, we can enjoy some of id Software’s classics on iOS and Android. What do you think of id Software’s early days and the state of the studio right now?

Images via David L Craddock and Romero Games.

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