How Can Schools Use Video On Demand To Engage Students?

How Can Schools Use Video On Demand To Engage Students?

How Can Video On Demand Fit Into The Modern Classroom?

With children being introduced into a technologically advanced world from the earliest stages of their lives, incorporating technology into education seems like a one-way street. Specifically, children seem to be particularly drawn to videos, learning how to utilize platforms like YouTube from a very early age. Therefore, it’s crucial for educators to learn how to best utilize videos to promote knowledge acquisition and increase learner engagement. This article explores the most common ways in which schools use video on demand to optimize learning results.

Benefits Of Videos In Educational Settings

It’s easy to say that schools should use video on demand because it’s beneficial, but how exactly does this media form improve learner engagement while instilling knowledge? For starters, videos are more appealing than lectures and help learners comprehend simple and complex matters more quickly, increasing knowledge retention rates. Moreover, different learning preferences are supported, and people with disabilities are equal participants. Additionally, videos are cost-effective for institutions since they can repurpose existing material multiple times. Many schools spend thousands or millions on paper and toner, costs that can be severely diminished when curricula, learning material, and exams are processed online. Lastly, it gives learners access to learning material from educational institutions around the world.

Types Of Content Schools Can Share On Video On Demand

Flipped Classroom

This approach isn’t very new, but not many institutions have implemented it. Teachers record their lectures and share them with their students days before class. Participants can watch the content at home, on their preferred device, and at their own pace. They don’t have to rush to take notes, and they can go back and rewatch clips that seem confusing. During class, they can ask questions, communicate and bond with their teachers and peers, and benefit from group learning. Teachers who wish to adopt this approach must ensure their videos are interactive. They may add audiovisual material, slides, highlighted texts, and space for students to form questions.

School Events

Many busy parents can’t attend their children’s school plays, sports games, contests, or performances. Schools can use live streaming and video on demand to broadcast and film these events so others can watch them afterward. Imagine how excited a school athlete might be after a big win and how much they would enjoy showing their top plays to friends and relatives who didn’t attend the game. You may even add clips of these videos to your social media to show how active your school is and how participation is encouraged. Additionally, some students may be willing to film recaps of school events and share them with fellow learners, parents, and the world.

How-To Video Tutorials

Many high schools and colleges offer practical training to learners in various topics. Instead of depending solely on a tutor to show them the methodology, an institution may create how-to videos, widely known as tutorials. For example, if the school purchases new technology, they can show students how to use it ahead of time. Also, medical students can watch recorded or animated videos of real-life procedures from every angle. They can study the techniques used and take notes for future use. The same training can be applied to law students as well, organizing mock trials and creating different courtroom scenarios.

Feedback Sessions

In traditional education, instructors would leave short notes on students’ essays and exams, not going into depth. However, with schools turning to video on demand, teachers can film their feedback and share more detailed insights. Also, they offer more personalized advice and ways someone can improve their performance. Therefore, students feel like their teachers truly care about them and their work. This method is particularly helpful in visual subjects, including art and fashion. An art teacher may find it a lot easier to discuss a learner’s sculpture by standing next to it and making comments.

Virtual Open Days

Most colleges in the U.S. have open days, where students from all around the country attend with their parents to check the facilities. Universities that are in remote locations or wish to attract international students may offer virtual open days. These digital tours can be live-streamed and recorded, so anyone interested can watch on demand. Remember that international students have different time zones and may not be able to attend a live stream and, therefore, miss out on the opportunity to join an institution.

Student Government Elections

During student elections, candidates typically print posters of their goals for their school and the reasons why their peers should vote for them. In the highly eco-friendly and interactive society we live in, this solution seems irrelevant. Institutions should allow candidates to film short campaign videos explaining why they would be great school representatives. Such an initiative allows students to showcase their agenda and their personalities. Institutions may upload these videos securely online and play them at a school assembly. This way, candidates have the opportunity to answer questions their peers may have and even engage in debates.

Goodbye Videos To Seniors

Most institutions create yearbooks for all seniors to take home and keep the memory of their education years alive. Schools can implement video on demand to create a visual yearbook, too. They may allow each student to talk in front of the camera for 20 seconds and share what they enjoyed the most in school and what they will miss dearly. Teachers can participate in these videos as well, mentioning what makes the graduating class unique. You may post this video online for anyone to access or send out virtual copies only to seniors and their teachers.

How Can Instructors Maximize Knowledge Retention With Video On Demand?

Students nowadays watch videos online all the time. However, applications like TikTok and Instagram have decreased people’s attention spans due to short and fast-paced concise videos. So, how can schools provide lectures, feedback, and other educational content without losing learners’ attention? The first step is signaling. While using on-screen text and graphics, tutors highlight the points that require students’ attention the most. Segmenting material into appropriately sized chunks is also necessary to direct knowledge and not overwhelm learners. To achieve that, video length must be suitable, and breakpoints and pauses may be added to allow students to take a breath.

Additionally, teachers must remove any unnecessary information that clutters the material and disengages students, a process known as weeding. As a result, their memory is enhanced since only crucial points are included in the videos. Lastly, matching modality refers to the effective and simultaneous use of video and audio, for example, adding narration to an animation. This way, working memory increases, while cognitive overload is avoided.


Schools that choose to use video on demand for educational and social purposes must know that creating content may sound easy and fun, but it is demanding. Educational content should be short and include a healthy and appropriate balance of text, narration, and visual material. It is also crucial to add captions and subtitles to assist learners with difficulties and international students who may not be proficient in English. All institutions need to start filming are a proper camera with an embedded microphone, decent lighting, and possibly an encoder and tripod for larger projects.

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