Hot Themes For Vegas: Buyer Representation And Commissions

At Inman Connect Las Vegas, July 30-Aug. 1, 2024, the noise and misinformation will be banished, all your big questions will be answered, and new business opportunities will be revealed. Join us.

Real estate is entering a new era. 

The National Association of Realtors commission settlement has transformed business-as-usual and the nature of agent-client relationships, now and long-term. The future of real estate commissions, buyer representation and the very fabric of agent-client relationships are in flux. 

Navigating the current market and these changes can be tricky at any point in time, but especially in this new, post-settlement world. That’s why Buyer Representation and Commission Coverage are the HOT topics at Inman Connect Las Vegas this year! 

In fewer than three months, we’re bringing together the industry’s most trusted voices to cut through the noise and give our community the information they need. Gain insights and tools designed to leave you feeling prepared to take on the new industry changes with confidence.

The consequences of the commission trial verdicts will be a major theme throughout the Inman Connect Las Vegas agenda this July. There will also be a grand total of FOUR General Sessions where real estate’s biggest names take the main stage — in addition to a Meet the Leaders Luncheon to ensure you get the answers you deserve to all of your commission questions.

Plus, we’re offering dedicated sessions detailing practical approaches to major industry shifts that you can put into practice immediately. Check out these must-see sessions focusing on buyer representation and commission coverage in the current market:

Session: Value Proposition and Commission Negotiation Forum

Learn how to articulate your unique value proposition to clients, setting yourself apart in a competitive market. Discover proven strategies to negotiate commissions effectively in this new era of real estate.

Session: Evolution of Buyer Agency: Navigating Tomorrow’s Opportunities and Solutions

A forward-looking perspective on the changes, trends and answers you need shaping buyer agency and the mechanics of how real estate will be bought and sold.

Keep an eye out for more information on speakers and agenda items as the event gets closer.

Inman serves as a guiding light for the real estate landscape. Don’t get left behind; join thousands of other real estate professionals and register for Inman Connect Las Vegas today. Make the decision to gain clarity during a time of uncertainty.

You don’t want to miss this. See you in Vegas.

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