Getting Sick: Exploring Monthly Profections
Last month I got sick.
I caught one of the nasty bugs going around, and spent the better part of a week on the couch, coughing, spluttering, head throbbing. It was no fun at all.
Since I’m not someone who typically gets sick, once I began to recover, the astrologer part of my brain took over, wondering why I got sick, and more importantly, why I got sick when I did. Of course the why is more practical – I was exposed to a bug or infection and wasn’t able to fight it off. But why then?
I know there are lots of terrible colds and flus around this season, and of course covid is still lurking. While sick, I tested a couple of times for covid, the test showing negative each time. At one point Peter said you’re actually sicker than when you did have covid. I really went down for the count for a few days.
Annual Profections: Personal Themes that Re-set on Your Birthday
One timing technique I use all the time with clients is profections.
Often, we’re looking at yearly themes, and we focus on annual profections – their house of the year and the time lord planet it highlights and how this might describe their year ahead.
Your Personal Monthly Calendar: Working with Monthly Profections
In addition – for some regular clients and myself – I also use monthly profections.
In monthly profections, a house and sign pair is identified for each month. A secondary time lord planet, known as the monthly time lord, comes into play. This monthly time lord adds its qualities to help or hinder the work and focus of the annual profected time lord.
One super helpful thing about monthly profections is that they help you create a personal calendar, inspired by the cosmos, that shows what house, sign and planet will be active and when throughout the year for you.
In any given 12 month period you’ll cycle through a four week period where you focus on each of the 12 houses in your chart.
For instance, you’ll have a four week focus where your profected house might be your 2nd house of money, cash flow and income or a four week focus on relationships and significant other people, when you profect through your 7th house month.
Mars and the Moon As My Timelords
For me?
I’m currently in an annual profection where Mars is my time lord. So anything happening with Mars is especially relevant and influential for me right now.
I got sick the week before the Mars cazimi, right as Mars was deep into its combust state. In traditional astrology, a planet in combustion is described as a sick man taking to his bed. I wasn’t expecting to feel this quite so literally!
In addition, the month I got sick, the Moon was my monthly time lord. I woke up feeling off on the morning of the New Moon in Scorpio – when the Moon, my monthly time lord, was in the sign of her fall and combust herself.
The week I was sick, the Moon moved through Scorpio and Capricorn – the two signs where the Moon is least able to support vitality and the body, due to being in either fall or detriment.
As I put this information together, it started to make some sense. Both the time lord planets I was under the influence of – Mars and the Moon – were doing it pretty rough and my being, so guided by them, had an issue too.
As a quick aside on the Moon and Mars – these are both planets that have fluctuating, variable qualities, and are associated with the break down of regular rhythms and rituals. There’s lots of movement and flux when the Moon and Mars combine.
I’m pleased to report that as the Moon moved out of those tricky signs, and Mars moved through cazimi and is now heading out of combustion (albeit slowly!) I am well on my way back to wellness. Still a little stuffy (which you can likely hear here and here) but clear in my mind and back to normal energy levels. I’ve also moved into a new monthly profection so the Moon’s influence is no longer a major factor.
Do you work with monthly profections? Have you heard of this technique before?
If you would like to create your own monthly calendar for 2024 to help you manage your energy and time your intentions to the divine, join me in this special training happening this December.