Focused Ad Strategy: Don’t Do It All At Once
You don’t need to do it all at once…
You have multiple company goals, so you have campaigns for sales, leads, and maybe even engagement. You have separate ad sets by product and lead magnet.
This is all doable, but there’s one problem.
The Budget Dilemma
You have a daily budget of $100. Or maybe it’s $50 or $20. Focus less on the specific number and more about the potential problem.
You can’t do this and expect it to be effective. In an attempt to focus on multiple goals, you’re making them all less effective.
Advertisers already create problems for themselves by running too many unnecessary campaigns and ad sets. It results in audience fragmentation and auction overlap.
But, in theory, you can do this in a managed way if you have the budget for it. If you don’t, your limited budget will be spread across those multiple priorities — and they’ll all suffer.
What to Do Instead
Take that limited budget and dedicate it to one goal at a time. For a month, focus your ads on building leads, and let your email list and sales people turn them into sales.
If you’re approaching an important revenue month, switch to only sales campaigns.
I know this isn’t ideal because you want to give attention to all of your priorities. But this doesn’t allow you to dedicate the budget that’s required for each bucket. Either focus advertising long-term on one primary goal or switch it up as your needs evolve.
That consolidation of your budget will make your advertising more efficient.