Focus Advertising Strategy Where it Matters

Stop wasting time on things that have minimal impact. Stop pulling levers that make your results worse. There are always rare exceptions, but make it easy for yourself.

Don’t Do This

This isn’t 2018. Do very little in the campaign and ad set.

Keep it simple and optimize for conversions in almost all cases.

Conversions Performance Goal

Don’t worry about manual bidding. Don’t touch placements. Stop overvaluing targeting inputs — they just don’t matter that much.

Do This Instead

Focus almost all of your time within the ad and where that ad sends people. Generate copy and creative that appeal to your target customer. Submit multiple options to give the algorithm options. That could mean multiple ads or multiple variations (using Flexible Ad Format) within a single ad.

Flexible Ad Format

Make sure that you have a compelling offer. Good copy and creative can’t fix a bad offer. Get this right.

And make sure that wherever you send people with your ad will be a good customer experience. Does it load quickly? Is it clean and uncluttered? Is it professional? Is the conversion process easy to understand?

Limiting your attention to the campaign and ad set doesn’t mean that you’re no longer needed. Your job is still important, but now it’s been focused. There’s plenty to worry about on the ad, landing page, and experience side.

Limit all of the other distractions and focus your time where you can make the biggest impact.

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