Dragon’s Dogma 2 – All Maister Locations And Ultimate Skills
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Dragon’s Dogma 2 allows you to switch between different vocations or classes. While you can level up to gain new skills, there are ultimate abilities that you can unlock only once you gain the approval of certain peerless combatants. Here’s our guide on where to find all Maisters in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
All ultimate abilities and vocation Maisters in Dragon’s Dogma 2
There are 12 ultimate abilities that you can learn from Maisters in Dragon’s Dogma 2. These can truly change the way you play a class, maybe due to the devastating damage that they deal or additional functions they present. Before we discuss each Dragon’s Dogma 2 Maister and skill in detail, don’t forget that some classes still need to be unlocked as you progress through the campaign. You can learn more in our unlockable vocations guide. Likewise, we have a best vocations/class tier list guide to help you figure out which options are ideal for the campaign.
Note: There’s no vocation level required to equip these legendary skills. As such, it’s possible to switch to another class and use its ultimate technique, provided that you’ve already acquired it.