Corralling People In A Limited Area 2025
Corralling People In A Limited Area 2025
I have some “out there” views. I tend to stand by them. It’s because I’m quite convinced I’m generally correct. You probably feel the same about your views, which is my point.
It took me awhile to understand how we’re all so estranged. I realized we were isolated online, being served and influenced by different content.
I had someone ask me point blank, “How come I don’t see what you do?”
It’s because we’re “kettled”. If you catch on to something, you will be “kettled” read “contained” with others who are on your wavelength. You’re all happy in your kettle, thinking everyone knows what you know, thinks what you think, It’s a matter of time before the whole world catches on!
It’s not exactly a delusion, because you can observe this. Armies or new bots show up, every day, to convince you you’re on track and making a difference.
I’ve written about this before, but it’s become hard core. I’m sure, because I started sharing things I see with another (new to me) person and they simply are not served what I’m served. Completely new (to them) content.
If you saw what I see, the things I suggest would likely seem as obvious to you as they are to me. You could most likely say the same, but in reality, you’re just not in my kettle and I’m not in yours.
Being aware of this. and keeping it in mind, might make you view the things people say or believe in a different (less black and white) light.
Oddly, when I was thinking about this, I thought of the old website, “hot or not”. You’re to determine the worth of a person via one picture. Really?
In truth, this is the internet. There are people of all kinds, from all over. Further a lot of the content and comments you see are computer generated to promote a certain sentiment. If you are taking them serious, you’ll be misled. At least, this is what people in my kettle, think.
I give this to the planets in Pisces, especially Saturn, as we’re contained in “belief prisons”.
What’s your kettle like?