As a member of our community, we may often dream of a world where everyone lives in peace and harmony, with social equity and justice, where nobody is left in poverty and illiteracy. Everybody would have the opportunity to work as well as engage in learning for personal as

well as community prosperity.To achieve our goals of community development through continuing education, we need to integrate and apply these four types of learning – learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together.To promote lifelong learning, all agencies in our community should be education providers.When this is the case, our community will become a learning society. Thus the ultimate

goal of lifelong learning is to build up a learning society.


The term ‘Continuing Education’ signifies providing opportunities for learning

throughout the life to help individuals in order to: extend initial study; update knowledge and skills; and undertake career development or change according to environment and need. 

Continuing Education is a term often used to suggest the idea that education is a process not completed. This term is most often used by

colleges and universities in describing their extension and adult education

activities. The term is sometimes broadened to cover any situation where

the person is “moving on,” particularly within the more formal, credential.

related aspects of education.

Dr. Mohan Sinha Mehta, an eminent protagonist and pathfinder in the field of

continuing education brought out the idea of continuing education in the following


“The air we breathe in our universities, the language we speak, the ideals

we pursue and the thoughts which -guide us in our work of teaching,

learning and research should be related to our background, our way of

life, our classics and our code of ethics. We should readily learn and

receive new ·and true knowledge from everybody and everywhere; at the

same time, we should not neglect or disregard our own treasures.”


In general the need for continuing education exists for all professions in the world.

It is more essential for library and information profession particularly due to the

following reasons:

• Growth of knowledge/information;

• Library as a learning centre;

• Dissemination of new ideas;

• Growth of profession;

• Rendering technology based services; and

• Job satisfaction among professionals.

1. The growth of information is increasing enormously ina variety of formats viz., e – books, e – journals, CD – ROM databases of full text

and abstract of journals, etc.For instance, the knowledge obtained by any library and information professional during his/her student career in any department of library.

2. Library as a Learning Centre

Libraries and information centres serve as learning centres .for people irrespective

of age, sex, colour, caste, etc. It provides education, information, recreation as well

as guiding research to scholars. 

3.Dissemination of New Ideas

A number of new thoughts and ideas are coming up in each and every field

everyday and, at the same time, it takes sufficient time to reach the professionals

concerned due to some gaps in communication. For example, plenty of IT based

information services like bibliographic services, electronic document delivery service,

database services, etc. 

4.Growth of Profession

For the healthy growth of any profession it is desirable that rich professionalexperience is critically and creatively analysed through logical and mutual discussionin small as well as large groups involving persons with professional ability, teaching’and learning capacity. 

5. Satisfaction among Professionals

Through continuing education, leads to develop greater confidence and enthusiasm in the

profession. It helps them in job satisfaction, promotion and future progress. It also

avoids the feeling of inferiority complex that the professionals generally develop while meetings. 


Types of continuing education include online courses employees can complete at their own pace, classes offered by professional organizations, and degree programs at a college or university. They may be available in person (at a conference, a local chapter of a professional organization, or on a school campus) or online.

If your budget allows, you may offer a tuition reimbursement plan to encourage employees to earn a degree if you’re in an industry requiring formal education. Alternatively, you may agree to cover the costs of an online course if your employees need to learn a specific skill like a programming language or offer a raise to employees who earn professional certificates relevant to your work.

Understanding the different types of continuing education is helpful for employees and employers so you can choose the option that best meets your needs.

Degree programs

Degree programs for continuing education include associate, bachelor’s, and graduate degrees. Even if your employees have already earned a degree, they may consider pursuing a second degree as part of their continuing education. For example, Florida legally requires licensed practical nurses to earn continuing education units to renew their licenses. Instead of taking a course from a commercial CE provider, LPNs can take college classes that may count for license renewal and a degree that they need if they want to become a registered nurse.

Extension courses

Some universities offer extension courses, certificates, and degree programs designed for individuals who need the flexibility of distance learning and asynchronous classes. For example, Harvard Extension School offers individual courses, undergraduate certificates and degrees, and graduate certificates and degrees in subjects ranging from arts and literature to life sciences and technology. Penn State, Duke University, and more schools offer similar programs that your employees can study from home.


As one traces the recommendations of the various Commissions and the 

UGC guidelines issued from time to time for Adult, Continuing Education & Extension, it is evident that one of the goals of the UGC is 

to transform the university system into an active instrument for social change through the institutionalization of Extension as the Third 

Dimension and by ensuring that the university system is adult learner friendly and pro-life long learning.It was way back in 1960 that the Kothari Commission first articulated 

the concept of Extension and the TRINITY of Teaching, Research & Extension In 1977 the University Grants Commission first incorporated Extension into its Policy Statement for Higher Education.

Efforts by UGC 

1. The opportunity to introduce the Extension Dimension in Universities 

was taken when the National Adult Education Programme (NAEP) was 

announced by the Government of India in 1978. Then Centres Departments.

2. for Adult and Continuing Education were set up in Universities. Thereafter, the Adult Education Programme as Point 16 of the 20-Point Programme of the Government of India was introduced (1983-1989) followed by the Area Based Approach Programme (1989-

1992) and the Total Literacy Campaign (1992-1997) of the National Literacy Mission. 

3. In the Ninth Plan the UGC continued the Adult and Continuing Education Programme in a manner that facilitated the Centres \ Departments of Adult and Continuing Education and Extension to cast their own Plan of Action for the Extension Dimension specific to 

their own University.

4. In the Ninth Plan, the UGC has implemented the schemes under its Non-

formal Education Bureau. As evidenced from the UGC’s vision and 

strategy for the X Plan, the scheme will continue to be operationalised by 

UGC under the Non-formal Education Bureau.

5. In order to ensure 

continuity, the UGC has already released grants to Departments for the 

years 2002–2003 and 2003-04.


1. Now as the guidelines for the Tenth Plan period are being cast it is essential that the current situation, internationally and nationally, be 

considered. It is well known that the impact of globalisation has placed new demands on the education system. Transformation with rapid 

change is taking place everywhere. 

2. Further private universities are being setup and international universities will soon be entering the country. Also, Information & Communication Technology (ICT) is being more frequently used in the field of learning. On-line learning and e-learning will soon become a regular feature of university courses.

3. While universities have to enhance student employability skills through a formal system, on the other hand, the non-formal stream of education is being developed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development for reaching education to the unreached. There is a rapid growth of the National Institute of Open Schooling and State Open Schools and 

improvisation of quality teaching through the development of a momentum in Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) under the Education for All 


5. At present, there are 73 Departments/Centres working in the country. As visualized earlier in the Ninth Plan, all Universities are to establish a Department for institutionalizing extension and for meeting the current demands of adult and continuing education in their respective areas of operation.


Continuing education is essential for personal and professional growth in today’s rapidly changing world. It enhances skills, keeps knowledge current, and opens up new opportunities. By committing to lifelong learning, individuals can adapt to industry advancements, improve job performance, and foster innovation. Ultimately, investing in continuing education not only benefits individuals but also contributes to a more skilled and knowledgeable workforce.

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