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Children and young people – Oral Health Foundation

Despite the steady improvement in children’s oral health over recent years, oral diseases in young people are still a very common occurrence.

It is upsetting to think, but tooth decay is the most common cause for a child to go under general anaesthetic in hospital in the United Kingdom and it is a problem which is very much shared throughout the world.

The fact though, is that every single one of these cases could be avoided with access to basic care and a simple daily oral health routine.

This involves:

  • Brushing their teeth last thing at night and at least one other time during the day with a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Cutting down on how often they have sugary foods and drink.
  • Visiting the dentist regularly, as often as they recommend.

Our ultimate mission is, with your help, we can give every young person the best possible opportunity to avoid oral health problems that cause needless pain and suffering.

When it comes to young people and oral health prevention is much better than at cure, at the Oral Health Foundation we are committed to putting this into practice through a vast array of our activities.

Educational resources

Though our specialised educational resources, we offer tens of thousands of young people with the skills and knowledge to have better oral health for life.

From story books and motivators to bespoke dental packs with everything that is required for an array or age groups to look after their oral health our educational resources meet every young person’s requirements.

If we can help prevent oral health issues in children we are going a long way to improving oral health for generations to come.

Dental Buddy

Whether it’s their first tooth, or their visit to the dentist, a child’s early experiences of oral health can impact on the rest of their lives.’

The Dental Buddy programme hosts a series of educational resources for Early Years Education, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, including activity sheets, lesson plans and interactive presentations. All of which are freely downloadable to take into the classroom.

Dental Buddy is about helping to forge important links between schools and local dental practices, building relationships between teachers and dental health professionals so that we can increase the amount of time which is spent teaching children about oral health.

Support us and make a difference

The Oral Health Foundations services are doing all they can to ensure everyone has the right education and tools to try and ensure we can provide every young person with the tools to look after themselves.

As an entirely self-funded charity, the Oral Health Foundation relies on your generous support to continue our important mission of bringing better oral health to all.

By donating you join a wide range of wonderful people and organisations who are passionate about what we believe in and work tirelessly towards.

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