Bestseller renews international worker safety deal for even longer period

Jack & Jones and Vero Moda owner Bestseller has signed up again to the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry in Pakistan and Bangladesh, with the new pledge covering a six-year period, the longest yet.


The renewed agreement is a legally binding one that “promotes and supports the development of safer workplaces” in the textile and garment industry in those countries.

And it said that recent negotiations between it, other representatives of global brands and trade union signatories to the deal “have resulted in a new framework agreement [that] reaffirms our commitment to protecting and promoting the rights of the people working in our supply chain”.

Felicity Tapsell, Head of Responsible Sourcing at the giant Danish fashion group, said: “As a member of the International Accord’s steering committee, we’re proud of the work done with our key partners at IndustriAll Global Union and UNI Global Union, in developing this new agreement. We encourage all garment and textile companies to sign this agreement and join our collective goal of a safe and sustainable textile and garment industry.”

The company has been a signatory since the inception of the agreement and for the past 10 years, 56,000 factory assessments have been conducted, and 140,000 health and safety issues corrected across 2,400 factories.

Over two million workers have been trained on health and safety, and all workers in Accord-covered factories have access to a hotline to anonymously raise health and safety concerns.

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