Add Site Links to Facebook Ads

Add Site Links to Facebook Ads

Site Links are now available…

Add scrollable links below your ad creative to highlight other products, offers, or important information. Site Links will only appear within the Facebook Feed placement.


This feature is available when using the Sales, Traffic, Engagement, or Leads objectives with the website conversion location.

Website Conversion Location

Use manual upload with a single image or video.

Manual Upload Single Image or Video

You should then see an Ad Sources section when creating an ad. You have the option of having Meta automatically source Site Links or add them manually.

Site Links

To automatically source them, provide a website URL and Meta will find links to recommend adding as Site Links. I’ve found the recommendations are good, but there isn’t currently a way to edit the display labels.

Site Links

You can also set up site links manually. Enter at least three site links, including a display label and URL. I used links to three lead magnets and two products.

Site Links


You can see how this looks within the Advanced Preview…

Advanced Preview

Then filter by Advantage+ Creative.

Advanced Preview

The enhancement is called “Add Site Links.” There are two versions, one with icons and one without.

Site Links

How Should You Use It?

There are lots of ways you might use this, but get creative. Something I’m experimenting with is using Site Links when promoting blog content. While that traffic won’t typically drive conversions, the Site Links provide a secondary possibility of actions further down the funnel.

How will you use Site Links?

Source link

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