Categories Archives: Pets

Boundary Training: Teaching Your Dog to Respect Thresholds – 2 Paws Up Inc.

At 2 Paws Up Inc Dog Training, we understand the importance of teaching your furry friend good manners, both inside and outside the home. One crucial aspect of canine etiquette is boundary training, which involves teaching your dog to respect thresholds and stay within designated areas. In this newsletter, we’ll explore the [...]read moreBoundary Training: Teaching Your Dog to Respect Thresholds – 2 Paws Up Inc.

The Top 5 Things to Bring to a Dog Friendly Brewery (Besides Your Dog)

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How to Teach Your Dog to Come When Called

Happy almost Halloween, everyone! I am thrilled to be a part of an amazing and clever giveaway for the third time that helps participants learn new tricks to work on with their dogs in order to win some treats, in the form of toys, dog treats, gift cards, and more! There are a lot of [...]read moreHow to Teach Your Dog to Come When Called

Pet Friendly Mystic Seaport and Giveaway

What’s better than traveling? Being able to travel with your pets! It’s a special treat to be able to create memories together while visiting scenic locations. I appreciate when someone helps to pave the way for dog friendly travel by hitting the trail and chronicling their adventures. As you know, sometimes places say they’re dog [...]read morePet Friendly Mystic Seaport and Giveaway

How to Raise Money for Pet Emergencies Using Waggle

I would venture to guess that many people you ask who have a pet (or once owned one) will say that they are like family members. I know that sentiment is true for me and the two wriggly critters that are sitting near my feet as I write this piece. They are one of the [...]read moreHow to Raise Money for Pet Emergencies Using Waggle

How to Ensure a Fear Free Dog Nail Trim

Bean has been in our lives for just over nine years. As in, the nine year anniversary of us bringing her home was yesterday (November 14th). She was the first dog I had had since my childhood dog and the first dog I ever experienced the anguish over trimming her nails. Her four tiny paws [...]read moreHow to Ensure a Fear Free Dog Nail Trim

Purrs and Paws Holiday Giveaway

Celebrating the holidays isn’t just something that us humans can enjoy. I hope you include your four-legged family members on the fun in some capacity. While we don’t give our dogs a ton of gifts for Christmas, we do try to create memories together, like visiting Santa and taking photos together, while hoping Yoda doesn’t [...]read morePurrs and Paws Holiday Giveaway

Four Quick, Cheap and Easy DIY Dog Costumes

National Dress Up Your Pet Day is a legit day listed on calendars. Who knew? I, frankly think any day is a good day to have some fun and dress up your pet! In that light, I tried to put together some pet costume ideas that were affordable to make, easy to create, and didn’t [...]read moreFour Quick, Cheap and Easy DIY Dog Costumes

2019 GoPetFriendly Pet Blogger Challenge

The winter blues has always impacted us this time of year, which was true last year as well. Sometimes, we need a little prompting to start writing again and being creative. While it’s not the only reason we have enjoyed participating in the GoPetFriendly blogger challenge, it has certainly been a great way to jump [...]read more2019 GoPetFriendly Pet Blogger Challenge

Westminster Photo Updates

Be on the lookout for a longer, and more detailed post soon about our time in New York City to participate in the Westminster Dog Show as a member of the press. In the meantime, I wanted to direct you to our Facebook page (give us a “like if you haven’t already) where all of [...]read moreWestminster Photo Updates