New Moon in Libra Annular Eclipse – Return to Cosmic Order

New Moon in Libra Annular Eclipse – Return to Cosmic Order

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The New Moon in Libra annular solar eclipse wraps up this eclipse season. There are some very powerful aspects to this eclipse, which arrives along with strong solar flares. Libra is the sign of peace; and in order to have peace, we must purge all that is not in alignment with peace. That is what this lunation is all about.

The new moon in Libra brings a cosmic reset in the sign of the peacemaker. This is a natural pause to reflect on how we can bring more harmony into our relationships. How can we bring more balance, equality, fruitful discussion and resolution to all those we interact with? Where could we be more emotionally detached, and see both side of an issue? You may like to reflect on where you are out of balance. Are you putting others before yourself, and feeling drained – or are you failing to notice those around you who need help.  

The solar eclipse is an annular eclipse, or ring of fire, visible in North America, much of South America, the Pacific, Atlantic, and Antarctica. If you are not in the pathway of the eclipse, it will still affect you energetically.

The ring of fire is very potent and beautiful, and in the sign of Libra it resembles the gold ring of marriage. An eclipse is thought to be the most romantic time to propose. It also symbolises the flaming hoops we have to jump through, just to go on living, as the soul tests get more and more intense.

The Sun and Moon are in exact conjunction with Black Moon Lilith, bringing a purge of deeply buried, long held emotions. Black Moon Lilith is the dark, suppressed feminine. This could manifest as hidden fear and rage, emotional toxins, environmental toxins, psychological blocks, and circumstances reaching crisis point. It is to be expected that some people will experience a meltdown; the best we can do is hold space in a loving and detached way as the dark goddess makes her voice heard.

The Sun and Moon are also in close conjunction with Mercury and the South Node. The presence of Mercury at this powerful time brings the ability to see beyond the veil. It also signifies psychological blocks emerging for healing. If people are speaking and acting in a way that is out of character, it means that deeply buried material is emerging from their subconscious mind. This really is a time when each one needs to take responsibility for their stuff, not place blame and refrain from projecting onto others. If the hidden toxins are released in an impartial way, relationships will improve dramatically.

The presence of the South Node means that the interactions you are having are most likely karmic energies playing out, potentially with past life connections. This influence could be very beneficial, and you may experience major breakthroughs with soul mates and soul family. You may also have to deal with your ‘arch-nemesis’ or historical enemies. This is all part of the play of energies and the dance of life. We dance with souls in the light and the dark, and with each new step we have the opportunity to move to a higher level. The more you embrace change, and practise tolerance and understanding, the more you free yourself up to move on. If someone is causing you a vexation of spirit, maybe you have been where they are now. Likewise, if you feel someone has wronged you, yet they are truly open to change and healing, maybe they deserve your forgiveness and a clean slate.

The energies of this eclipse are complex and profound. To achieve the balance of the scales of Libra, Lady Justice, Ma’at – we must let go of all imbalance, allow everything to come into divine order, as we purge any toxins that need to be released.

A key message of this influence, is to get out of your own way. Healing is a natural state. Order is the natural tendency in the presence of the Divine. If you have the courage to let go, be vulnerable and trust, releasing all judgments and preconceptions, the process will happen naturally.

New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse 10° Libra on 2 October @ 18.49 GMT /UT

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