Engaged-View Placements Clarified – Jon Loomer Digital

Engaged-View Placements Clarified – Jon Loomer Digital

Here’s an update on Engaged-View attribution

Back in June of last year, Meta first announced Engaged-View Attribution. It counts a conversion when someone views your video for at least 10 seconds (or 97% if the video is shorter) and converts without clicking within one day.

Engaged-View Attribution

At the time, Meta said that it only applied to skippable videos, but they didn’t provide further clarification. It wasn’t clear which placements actually applied, though it did seem to be most of them.

This sent me on a bit of an adventure to figure it out. At first, I questioned the value of an attribution setting that only applied to a few placements. As I researched Meta’s definition of each placement and broke down results by placement, a picture started to clarify.

But, there still wasn’t anything definitive from Meta regarding which specific placements actually applied and which didn’t. That is, until now.

Finally, Meta released new documentation that answers this question. It reads:

Engaged-view is available for all placements except Facebook in-stream video ads that cannot be skipped.

Engaged-View Attribution

In other words, Engaged-View attribution applies to all placements except for the Facebook In-Stream Video placement when videos in that placement cannot be skipped. I can’t say for sure if there are times when videos are skippable within In-Stream Video, but this still helps solve a riddle.

If you’re running a sales campaign with video ads, consider turning on 1-day Engaged View in the Attribution Setting. These conversions should be higher quality than the standard view-through conversion since you know that these people watched at least 10 seconds of your video before converting.

You can view the breakdown of Engaged-View vs. 1-Day View by comparing attribution settings.

Engaged-View Attribution

Have you been using Engaged-View attribution? What do you think?

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