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Planning your fundraising event – Oral Health Foundation

Throughout this website we speak about the importance of good oral health and our role in helping to others to achieve this. By setting up a fundraising event and raising money for us, you will help to reduce inequalities in oral health and give those people in need more opportunities to develop and maintain a healthy smile.

We also want you to have fun, fundraising for the s.

Here’s what you need to know about setting up and carrying out an amazing fundraising event.

Decide on your cause

We have a number of different things you can choose to raise money for. Currently, we are raising money for mouth cancer awareness, children’s oral health and for the access of provisions for the homeless.

Of course, you do not have to choose any of these. You can simply select to raise money for the Oral Health Foundation, where your donation will help us achieve a variety of our charitable goals.

Choose your audience

Think about what type of people will be involved in your fundraising activity. Are you targeting family and friends, work colleagues or children? Certain events will be better suited to different groups.

If your fundraising event is a personal challenge (like a run or cycle ride), how can your supporters track your progress?

Pick what you want to do

We have lots of fundraising ideas for you to choose from but you do not have to stick to them. Be creative and let the event match your personality and reflect any personal goals you may have.

Whether it is a traditional event like taking part in a race, or something more out of the box like taking part in a head shaving, make sure you have fun and can engage people in positive messages about oral health.

Setting your goal

Have a think about how much money you would like to raise. You might find that your supporters are more engaged with your efforts if they see you are working towards a certain target.

While reaching and exceeding your goal is important, be ambitious and trust in the generosity of those who support you.

Think about your budget

Many activities carry no cost at all but sometimes, a little investment can do wonders for increasing your donations.

Some things to think about include the costs of raffle prizes, venue hire, entry prices into races, along with food and drink.

Find a venue and decide on a date

Do you have a place where you can hold your event? Offices, workplaces communities centres and schools are natural choices. Your venue needs to be big enough for your activity and any supporters that you invite to come and watch.

Decide a date and start working towards it as soon as possible in your planning and promotion. It will need to be suitable for your audience.

Consult the proper authorities

Is there any paperwork that needs doing or permission you need before going ahead with your event? For instance, if you are heading into the high street you will have to gain permission from the local council.

If you are photographing the event, ensure any photographs of children are cleared by the parents beforehand.

Create a fundraising page

Once you have all the details for your event, you can create your very own fundraising page right here.

Creating your page is really easy and takes a matter of minutes. Once you have done this, share your page with friends, family and colleagues to get involved and support you in your cause. From here, you will also be able to monitor your progress on how much money you are raising while keeping donors updated on your progress.

Purchase what you need

You should make a list of all the provision you will need. For example. A charity run will require correct clothing (get in touch – we may be able to help you here), a training plan, water bottle, first aid supplies and different nutrition.

Hosting a quiz night on the other hand, may need you to hire tables, clipboards, paper, pens, as well as buy food and drinks. What you need will be very specific to your event.

Sponsorship form

As well as guiding people to your online fundraising page, you can also collect money offline.

You can collect cash directly from your supporters by downloading a Sponsorship Form. After your event, you can send this to us via post, cheque, bank transfer or an online donation. We will then add the amount to your fundraising page!

Write about your efforts

Local newsletters, daily papers, radio stations and television in your area are always keen on covering events for a good cause, so make them aware of the details of your event in good time. Some added advertising of your own can be a great way to increase your amount of donations.

If you would like a little help, our press team can help put your events into words and even contact the local press on your behalf.

Hand out flyers

A cheap, effective way of promoting your event is to hand out flyers a few weeks in advance.

Make your event flyers as interesting as possible and be sure to include all the key information such as the date, venue and type of event you have planned. You could even send a jpeg or pdf of the flyer to some of your contacts who might be able to print them for free.

Social media

Keep your supporters up-to-date via social media. Send out regular posts reminding them about your event, how they can support you and how they can donate.

Use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to update your followers on your progress. Keep your posts fun and engaging – that way, they will be more likely to share them and your event could even go viral!

Smile for the camera

Think about photo opportunities. Local papers love to use fun, entertaining photos as a basis for covering of local events. Keep supporters updated by taking your own photos or for bigger events you could even book a photographer.

A good, high quality picture is a great way of generating media coverage and makes an excellent memento of your successful event.

Get in touch with us

Once you have finished your event and sent us any money you have raised offline, we would love to hear from you and find out how your fundraising event went.

It is really important for us to thank the people that fundraise on our behalf and acknowledge all their hard work. We would really like the opportunity to recognise your contributions.

You can contact us via [email protected] or on 01788 539 792.

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