Word of Mouth: January 2023
Hello, Happy New Year, and welcome to a brand-new issue of Word of Mouth – the Oral Health Foundation’s digital magazine.
It’s the end of January and now that all the celebrations are over, this edition will ensure you’ve got your mouth in order.
Buckle up and go through brushing top tips our experts have selected for you. These will help you to stay on top of your oral health routine and make sure you do it correctly.
Now that the festive season is over, your fridge and food cupboards need healthy top-ups, right? Discover what foods and drinks are good for the health of your mouth. These will not only your body in good shape but make sure your mouth is in great condition too.
Keeping up with your New Year’s resolutions so far? Don’t forget to add oral health to the list! In this issue, we’ll be giving you some great ideas to get you smiling.
We also have articles about the benefits of fluoride, mouthwash, interdental cleaning, and advice for older people and kids.
I hope you enjoy this latest issue and see you again in March.
Read: Word of Mouth: January 2023
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