7 Sonic Easter Eggs In The Knuckles Show

Knuckles is often seen in the show’s promotional material wearing a cowboy hat. In the show, the hat first belongs to Jack Sinclair, a former friend of Wade’s and a bounty hunter. After Wade defeats him in a jousting match, he takes the hat and gives it to Knuckles. He only wears it a couple of times in the show itself, but this is a reference to his appearance in the 1996 animated movie, in which he wore a cowboy hat adorned with star-clad medals in the front. Will he wear it again in Sonic the Hedgehog 3? It’s a good look, honestly. Let him keep it, Paramount.
Those are a handful of standout easter eggs for Sonic fans, but it was surprising how most of the references didn’t amount to much in terms of building the live-action universe. At least, not in a way that makes the series seem like a crucial piece of foundation for the third movie premiering on December 20. Where was the Rouge the Bat post-credits scene, y’all? If this forthcoming movie is going to take a lot from Sonic Adventure 2, you gotta have the full Dark team.