2025 – A Year of Inspired Change, Growth & Transformation
2025 – A Year of Inspired Change, Growth & Transformation

2025 is a year of change, compassion, healing, new growth and inner transformation. There are many astrological changes in the first half of the year, bringing fresh energy to a universal 9 year of endings and beginnings.
In numerology, 2025 is a universal 9 year. The number nine relates to compassion, spirituality and selfless service. This is a year of completion of cycles; karmic cycles, relationship cycles, and the wrapping up of the lessons of the past nine years.
There is a calling to give back, do something more than what you are currently doing, and step more firmly onto the path of service. It is a year of having compassion for yourself, and gently healing the past by moving forwards with more self-love.
The Year of the Wood Snake
On January 29 we enter the Chinese Year of the Snake. The Snake is a very deep, intense and mystical sign which relates to the Western zodiac sign of Scorpio. This is an excellent year for deeply transformative spiritual work, counselling, healing, and integrating the shadow. Healing retreats will go deeper into the mysteries, and new paths may open up for you spiritually.
The year 2025 has the element of Wood. We are now exiting the year of the Wood Dragon, and entering the year of the Wood Snake. The element of wood is about new growth, like a tree growing new branches, expanding and becoming stronger. It is about rooting into the soil and laying your foundations; and branching out into new ventures. The powerful and charismatic dragon energy of the past year leads into the wise, creative and transformational energies of the snake. The growth continues with the element of wood.
This will be a year of continued growth, transformation and healing. If you remain flexible, accountable, open to self-reflection; and are open to new experiences, encounters, and enterprises; you will shift exponentially.
Current Mars Pluto Opposition
We are beginning the year with some fairly tense astrological aspects; so you may feel somewhat under pressure and unsure as yet how to work with the energies of the new year. We are in an exact Mars Pluto opposition, which can bring up feelings of conflict, tension, and oppression. This aspect was also exact on November 3 2024, and now Mars is in retrograde, the aspect is repeating and will linger until April.
This is a time to get really clear on your soul tests and what you are being asked to do. No obstacle is insurmountable – your soul is asking you to tap into your magic and find a new way through previous blocks. It is not the time to give into temptation or take the easy way out; but to find the spiritual lesson, dig deep and bring new strength and abilities into play.
On January 11, the North Node of the moon shifts into Pisces, and the South Node shifts into Virgo. This brings about a collective shift, with the karmic focus on Pisces, and stepping into the positive qualities of this sign, such as caring, compassion, sensitivity, intuition, empathy, and going with the flow. The South Node in Virgo will root out over-emphasis on details, being overly critical or perfectionist, and any areas of life where the big picture is not being recognised.
Neptune enters Aries March 30
On March 30 the mighty planet Neptune enters Aries, after a long stint in Pisces, the sign of its rulership. Neptune is the planet of higher spiritual energies, dreams and dissolution. Its entry into Aries marks a brand new beginning in the collective energies. We will move from the watery illusions of Pisces, to the initiating fire of Aries, signifying a rebirth of spirit.
As Pluto stands at the beginning of a new era in Aquarius, this ingress brings an abundance of fresh new energy. We are leaving behind the Age of Pisces with its blind faith in gurus and religious fanaticism, as we enter the Age of Aquarius. Neptune’s transit through Aries will help people to question their beliefs, and make a direct connection with spirit if they wish to, rather than following the beliefs of others. Many illusions will dissolve, like morning mists at sunrise. There will be more energy available to actively pursue the guidance of soul, and pioneer new ways of living.
Neptune will go retrograde in July, and dip its toe back into Pisces in October, until finally leaving this sign in January 2026, where it will remain in Aries until 2039.
Saturn enters Aries May 24
On May 24 Saturn, Lord of Karma, also enters the sign of Aries. Saturn brings forth the lessons of the material world, time, space and karma. The planet of discipline and authority is leaving Pisces, where it has been bringing some form of structure to the ethereal realms of spirituality, healing, music and the arts. Saturn in Aries ushers in a bold new beginning, bringing strength and power to new enterprises and activities. If your foundations are solid, it is time to step into your authority and make things happen. Active disciplines are favoured under this transit.
Saturn will remain in Aries until September 1, when it retrogrades back into Pisces. It will remain there until February 13 2026, when it re-enters Aries until April 2028.
Jupiter enters Cancer June 9
On June 9 Jupiter, planet of wisdom and expansion, enters the sign of emotional mastery. Jupiter magnifies the qualities of the sign it is in. So emotional matters will come under the spotlight during this transit. Issues relating to the home, motherhood, nurturing, feelings and intuition will seem more prominent. Jupiter in Cancer is pleasure-loving, and there will be a focus on self-care and taking the time to relax and enjoy life where possible.
Uranus enters Gemini July 7
On July 7 Uranus, the Great Awakener, changes sign. It has been in the sign of Taurus for seven years, where it has been making seismic shifts in the world around us. When it enters the sign of Gemini, it moves from fixed earth to mutable air, and we will feel this immediately in the realms of communication, thoughts and ideas; media and social media. No doubt some surprising and unprecedented new ideas and ways of thinking will emerge during this transit.
On November 8 it will re-enter Taurus until April 26 2026, and it will remain in Gemini until 2032.
The numerology of this year is nine which is a magical number. We are being given the opportunity to leave the past behind, and find the compassion to give something back. In the year of the Wood Snake, the overall energy is of growth, wisdom, creativity and transformation. The first half of the year will see many changes and fresh new energy coming in with the North Node changing sign, Neptune and Saturn entering Aries, Jupiter entering Cancer and Uranus entering Gemini. We will see an abundance of new ideas and new communications about how to live in a different way, with core spiritual values at the heart of all we do. This year has some very magical energies running through it, and favours inspired action directly from the guidance of soul.