How To Get Brave Weapons In Destiny 2 And Attune Them
Getting Brave weapons in Destiny 2 can be a laborious task. The new weaponry, which encompasses classic Destiny guns, is a big part of Into the Light. Not only is this a great way to catch up with weapons you might have missed in the older days or that have been sunset, but to also get some decent gear before The Final Shape launches.
Opening chests in the Hall of Champions can take a while, and you won’t always know what you’re getting. However, if you’re only interested in adding specific guns to your collection, and adding them to the drop pool, there is a series of attunement quests by Arcite-99 to tackle. If you’ve been wondering how to get Brave weapons in Destiny 2 and attune them, the details below will help.
How to Get Brave Weapons in Destiny 2
You can get Brave weapons in Destiny 2 simply by playing the new seasonal activity, Onslaught, and by spending Trophies of Bravery to open a Brave weapons chest in the Hall of Champions. That being said, it’s hard to know what you’ll be getting each time, especially when it comes to rolls.
Thankfully, there’s a series of quests that’s perfect to obtain specific guns, and add them to your attunement collection. This means that you’ll get to seek out rolls that suit your needs, or that match the current meta. For now, there are only six guns available, each with its corresponding objectives to unlock, while the second batch is supposed to become available at a later weekly reset.
The quests are great for multitasking alongside other activities. As you make progress through the introductory Into the Light quest, called “Feats of Bravery,” you’ll be asked to spend Trophies of Bravery to open a chest near Shaxx. I got the Succession kinetic sniper rifle for doing so, but it may vary on your end.
The next step asks you to complete “Stranger Danger,” the first of the Brave weapon quests. Tackling the quest rewards you with Elsie’s Rifle. It’s also a good showcase of how these quests work: You’re given two objectives, and can opt for either depending on your preference.
To get Elsie’s Rifle in Destiny 2, you can either defeat combatants with precision damage using pulse rifles anywhere in the system (with bonus progress granted in Onslaught) or defeat combatants in Vanguard Ops playlist activities instead, also using pulse rifles. For the latter, you get bonus progress for higher difficulty Nightfalls.
At the moment, here are the other five Brave weapon quests available in Destiny 2:
Recluse Endangerment – The Recluse
- Rapidly defeat combatants using submachine guns anywhere in the system. Bonus progress granted in Onslaught.
- Defeat guardians while using submachine guns.
- Once you finish the quest, check out our guide for The Recluse curated roll and god roll.
Jury Duty – Hung Jury SR4
- Defeat combatants with precision damage using scout rifles anywhere in the system. Bonus progress granted in Onslaught.
- Defeat combatants in Vanguard Ops activities using scout rifles. Earn bonus progress for higher difficulty Nightfalls.
Right of Succession – Succession
- Defeat combatants with precision damage using sniper rifles anywhere in the system. Bonus progress granted in Onslaught.
- Defeat combatants in raids and dungeons using sniper rifles.
Edgelord – Edge Transit
- Rapidly defeat combatants using heavy ammo grenade launchers anywhere in the system. Bonus progress granted in Onslaught.
- Defeat combatants using heavy ammo grenade launchers.
Spin to Win – Falling Guillotine
- Rapidly defeat combatants using swords anywhere in the system. Bonus progress in Onslaught.
- Defeat combatants using swords.
Remember that there will be six more quests added in the future. These are the following:
- April 16: The Mountaintop and Midnight Coup.
- April 23: Hammerhead and Forbearance.
- April 30: Blast Furnace and Luna’s Howl.
For now, feel free to tackle the quests above at your convenience.
How to Attune Brave Weapons in Destiny 2
As mentioned, you can tackle either objective for each Brave weapon quest. Once you’re done and the quest updates itself with the next step, it’s time to return to the Hall of Champions.
Once back at the hall, you need to interact with its corresponding Holo-Shaxx. If you don’t want to be running around, make sure you’re tracking the quest, and you’ll automatically get the marker for the correct hologram. Complete the attunement and you’ll be set.
In addition, the corresponding weapon will be more likely to drop as loot from all Brave weapon sources from that moment on, including the Brave chest close to Shaxx.
That’s all you need to know to attune Brave weapons in Destiny 2. Make sure to tackle the quests promptly so you can make the most out of the current god rolls, especially ahead of The Final Shape.