Backcountry Sale April 2024: Save an Extra 20% on Patagonia, Saucony, The North Face and More
To start the spring season off strong, outdoor gear retailer Backcountry is celebrating the longer days and better weather with a huge sale on apparel and gear. Now through Friday, April 12, Backcountry is offering an extra 20% off thousands of last spring’s styles. Whether you need to grab some new camping gear, replace your worn-out hiking boots, or add a fleece jacket to your wardrobe, the Backcountry sale is steeply discounting top brands like Patagonia, Saucony, The North Face and more.
Backcountry’s sale is stocked with all the best things to get you outdoors this spring — from trail running shoes to hammocks, paddle boards, tents and more best-selling gear for all your hiking, camping and mountaineering needs. Even if you don’t have any adventures lined up yet, we found a great Solo Stove fire pit deal to make your home’s outdoor space feel more cozy.
Consider this Backcountry sale your one-stop-shop for spring staples and majorly discounted winter must-haves. To help you make the most of the limited-time deals, we rounded up the best finds to shop today.