10 Ways to Reflect God’s Character in Your Christian Wedding

10 Ways to Reflect Gods Character in Your Christian Wedding

Because God is mighty and strong, He is able to be our refuge and help us. He is strong but never pushy. God wants us to be strong in His mighty power.

There might be moments prior to the wedding when a partner shows a weakness or desperate need. Watch for tale tell signs: explosions of tears, sudden fears, etc. That’s the time for the stronger partner — stronger in that moment — to protect, become a refuge, or encourage the weaker. Marriage is a beautiful dance of weaknesses and strengths, and neither partner is always strong. Practice what carpenters call “sistering,” which is reinforcing a weak or damaged area for added strength, so it doesn’t fall apart. Coming alongside with support is one way to build up your partner. It’s one of the “One Anothers” of Scripture that apply to all Christians.

Avoid becoming pushy or embarrassing your partner. Rather than shaming, love courageously moves in to offer help, and then follows through boldly and courageously. Remind your loved one that your goal is to always be supportive in the relationship. Practice coming alongside during engagement, because there will be many occasions to use this skill in marriage.

10. God Is Faithful — Speak Vows Resolutely

God is faithful and His faithfulness is shown through His mercy and unfailing compassion (Lamentations 3:22-23). We can count on Him to fulfill His promises.

Wedding vows are not to be taken lightly. They are promises made to God first and then each other. Whether using traditional vows or writing your own, simply express your hearts to God concerning your commitment to Him and to loving each other in a biblical manner. Christian marriage is meant to mirror God’s covenant relationship with His people in Christ. Consider how marriage reflects the relationship between Christ and His Bride, and whether you want to include this truth in your wedding.

Before you speak your vows, you might want to pray together to seek God’s good favor in your marriage. One wedding tradition is that grooms shouldn’t see brides before their wedding, but couples get creative about this. For example, one couple held hands around the corner of a dividing wall while they prayed aloud together. Other couples wait to pray together quietly at a special wedding bench during the ceremony while the audience prays silently for them and their marriage.

When speaking your wedding vows, express them lovingly, but also with firm determination and purpose. If they are scripted, your vows might be included in the wedding program. Vows are designed for the two of you before God, but they also serve as a powerful testimony to others who will watch and listen. Many in attendance will likely be instrumental in encouraging you to keep those vows throughout your lives together.

A Christian marriage is designed by God to flourish, even as individual Christians flourish. The closer each partner grows toward God, emulating His character, the closer they’ll likely grow toward each other.

Photo credit: Unsplash/David Thomaz

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